lols. can't tell what it is?
its my foot!
i got bitten by cleo just this afternoon. hahas.
it looks serious right? its actually just a tiny bite,
the stuff around it is just anticeptic.
i didn't think much about it until i suddenly remembered andrew telling me
about the guy who died cos of that crab.
denn i got super paranoid! xD
it was only until i went to check on the net did i realise that cleo did not mean me
any harm.
don't assume that cats that bite are vicious creatures. you must distinct between play biting and aggresive biting. kittens, for example like to play and often use their teeth or claws to wrestle with each other. when you stroke your cat (which is what i did) it can take it as an invitation to play and clasps your hand and bites. this may hurt a little but there's nothing to worry about. some cats make a sport out of 'leg biting' (in this case, cleo did. ) they jump on you and dig in. research has shown that its a sort of unsatisfied hunting and prey instinct and lack of activity.
if your cat is a 'legbiter', try to spend more time playing with it and redirect its attention to a toy.
i guess i noe wad to buy de next time i go out. lols.
im back home so early today!
it so ROCKS okayys! hahahas.
i have the whole afternoon to myself.
shall continue watching myy WANGZIBIANQINGWA!
[[ wo xiang jiu suan shi wo huo dao yi bai sui, ye bu hui wang ji ni xian zai gao bai de yang zi ]]