i'm home i'm home i'm home!
actually, i didn't actually go to hong kong,
so minus loads of shopping!
(besides, i could hardly find anything that wasn't long-sleeved)
i went to macau and zhu hai,
both of which are famous more for their food and casinos.
shalll blog more when i've uploaded e pics! tatas`
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
last paper for those taking PCME tmr!
mcq summore! freedom is just this close!! hahahs.
good luck good luck for your last paper you guys!
anyways, while i was walking to the mrt station today,
there was those kinda people promoting some stuff near the mrt area.
one middle-aged woman passed me this pack of tissue paper which i refused.
but she insisted i took it and started tailing me.
so just to save the trouble, i took it and continued walking.
then her mouth started moving and i realised she was talking to me.
i couldn't hear i thing cos i had my mp3 plugged in,
so i nicely removed it and she started promoting some facial thing to me in chinese.
the easiest excuse to say would be to say i'm rushing off,
and i'm simply not interested.
besides, i could hardly understand what she was blabbering about in chinese.
but she grabbed my wrist, and started to gently shove me in the direction of those tables.
its crazy!
people don't go grabbing other people's wrist and start urging them to go try whatever products they're selling!
its not even right to manhandle innocent passerbys like myself.
anyways, i just stared at her and said, no i'm not interested.
she FINALLY got the message and let go,
and wandered off to her next 'victim' just behind me.
my new idol!
蚊子from 黑色会.
she's damn amazing!
at the age of 15, she's imitating dancers like 小猪 and 潘玮柏,
andd all she did was to watch their mv!
she's too pro.
蚊子 imitating 潘玮柏
蚊子 imitating 小猪
[[ we are two in a million. ]]
mcq summore! freedom is just this close!! hahahs.
good luck good luck for your last paper you guys!
anyways, while i was walking to the mrt station today,
there was those kinda people promoting some stuff near the mrt area.
one middle-aged woman passed me this pack of tissue paper which i refused.
but she insisted i took it and started tailing me.
so just to save the trouble, i took it and continued walking.
then her mouth started moving and i realised she was talking to me.
i couldn't hear i thing cos i had my mp3 plugged in,
so i nicely removed it and she started promoting some facial thing to me in chinese.
the easiest excuse to say would be to say i'm rushing off,
and i'm simply not interested.
besides, i could hardly understand what she was blabbering about in chinese.
but she grabbed my wrist, and started to gently shove me in the direction of those tables.
its crazy!
people don't go grabbing other people's wrist and start urging them to go try whatever products they're selling!
its not even right to manhandle innocent passerbys like myself.
anyways, i just stared at her and said, no i'm not interested.
she FINALLY got the message and let go,
and wandered off to her next 'victim' just behind me.
my new idol!
蚊子from 黑色会.
she's damn amazing!
at the age of 15, she's imitating dancers like 小猪 and 潘玮柏,
andd all she did was to watch their mv!
she's too pro.
蚊子 imitating 潘玮柏
蚊子 imitating 小猪
[[ we are two in a million. ]]
Sunday, November 16, 2008
finally a sunday night that i'm not dreading..
no more 6.30 morning alarms ringingg that annoys me so much that i feel like throwing my phone out the windows.
no more lectures where my eyelids would feel so heavy i need toothpicks to keep it wide open.
no more tutorials in stuffy classrooms that make you feel dead drowsy.
no more sleeping early FOR THE NEXT MONTH!
ahhh... the bliss of holidays.
only drawback are the homework...
curse holiday homeworks!
just came back from newton circus where i witnessed the most amazing thing this week.
a group of ang mohs, consisting of around 3 families,
which meant 6 adults and a dozen or more kids were having their dinner there.
my family happened to be seated jus a table in front of them,
and our entire dinner was accompanied with live action of kids playing TAG,
yelling and screaming all around us.
i'm actually beginning to understand the sorry life of being a playground,
because i so felt like one.
halfway through our dinner,
my aunt actually yelped.
no it wasn't a cockraoch or a rat,
but a toddler, no older than 2 years crawling under the table
amidst discarded prawn shells and chicken bones.
their parents had another 97182378271382783 kids to worry about,
so not much attention was paid to the poor girl.
i wouldn't be surprised if she actually picked up the chicken bone and start gnawing on it,
thinking its her chewing toy she has at home.
then while i was sitting there observing this interesting lot of people,
one of them mom starting bouncing her little girl up and down her lap.
then, she picked up her glass of beer, and took a huge gulp down.
after placing her mug down, the little girl picked up the mug and followed suit!
and her mom simply glanced at her, coo-ed gently in her ear,
and went back chit-chatting to her other fellow moms.
i stared and stared and stared..
the girl was no older than 3 years.
even at the age of 18,
i don't think my mom would allow me near any beer.
talk about the open mindset of americans.
[[ why not? ]]
no more lectures where my eyelids would feel so heavy i need toothpicks to keep it wide open.
no more tutorials in stuffy classrooms that make you feel dead drowsy.
no more sleeping early FOR THE NEXT MONTH!
ahhh... the bliss of holidays.
only drawback are the homework...
curse holiday homeworks!
just came back from newton circus where i witnessed the most amazing thing this week.
a group of ang mohs, consisting of around 3 families,
which meant 6 adults and a dozen or more kids were having their dinner there.
my family happened to be seated jus a table in front of them,
and our entire dinner was accompanied with live action of kids playing TAG,
yelling and screaming all around us.
i'm actually beginning to understand the sorry life of being a playground,
because i so felt like one.
halfway through our dinner,
my aunt actually yelped.
no it wasn't a cockraoch or a rat,
but a toddler, no older than 2 years crawling under the table
amidst discarded prawn shells and chicken bones.
their parents had another 97182378271382783 kids to worry about,
so not much attention was paid to the poor girl.
i wouldn't be surprised if she actually picked up the chicken bone and start gnawing on it,
thinking its her chewing toy she has at home.
then while i was sitting there observing this interesting lot of people,
one of them mom starting bouncing her little girl up and down her lap.
then, she picked up her glass of beer, and took a huge gulp down.
after placing her mug down, the little girl picked up the mug and followed suit!
and her mom simply glanced at her, coo-ed gently in her ear,
and went back chit-chatting to her other fellow moms.
i stared and stared and stared..
the girl was no older than 3 years.
even at the age of 18,
i don't think my mom would allow me near any beer.
talk about the open mindset of americans.
[[ why not? ]]
Thursday, November 13, 2008
tmr's officially the last day of school.
but i still gotta endure 3 more hours of lessons tmr...
my holidays are gonna be busyy!!
1. a level students are gonna end their exams REAL soon, and by that i really mean REAL SOON! 5 days time! with the exception of bio students~ (JIAYOU AUD!)
2. off to hong kong on the 22nd nov!!
3. mountain-as-high-as-mt-fuji load of homework to complete
i think i need 9871827382178217832187 more months of holidays before i'll be satisfied!
say byebye to this blogskin!
its gonna be gone real soon!
changing my blogskin, like finally right?
wait till i find a suitable one first.
haven't caught a movie in ages!!!
i haven't even been in touch with what's filming and what's not!
is madagascar 2 still showing?
how about HSM3?
i CANNOT wait for twilight!
seeing all the posters up everywhere,
and even books featuring robert patterson as edward on the covers are already out!
no more hand-holding-the-apple twilight cover.
i still prefer the original though..
even the bookset inclusive of breaking dawn is out,
at a shockingg price of $149..
BUT i'm still not going near breaking dawn..
give me time to get over the fact that edwards a fa*h*r,
i simply can't face it yet!
more de next time!
off to search for a new blogskin~
[[ you're the missing piece i need. ]]
but i still gotta endure 3 more hours of lessons tmr...
my holidays are gonna be busyy!!
1. a level students are gonna end their exams REAL soon, and by that i really mean REAL SOON! 5 days time! with the exception of bio students~ (JIAYOU AUD!)
2. off to hong kong on the 22nd nov!!
3. mountain-as-high-as-mt-fuji load of homework to complete
i think i need 9871827382178217832187 more months of holidays before i'll be satisfied!
say byebye to this blogskin!
its gonna be gone real soon!
changing my blogskin, like finally right?
wait till i find a suitable one first.
haven't caught a movie in ages!!!
i haven't even been in touch with what's filming and what's not!
is madagascar 2 still showing?
how about HSM3?
i CANNOT wait for twilight!
seeing all the posters up everywhere,
and even books featuring robert patterson as edward on the covers are already out!
no more hand-holding-the-apple twilight cover.
i still prefer the original though..
even the bookset inclusive of breaking dawn is out,
at a shockingg price of $149..
BUT i'm still not going near breaking dawn..
give me time to get over the fact that edwards a fa*h*r,
i simply can't face it yet!
more de next time!
off to search for a new blogskin~
[[ you're the missing piece i need. ]]
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
long time since i've blogged!
LOADS been going on,
currently, A levels are already on-going!
to all my frens taking A's now,
its finally here,
and it'll all be over REALLY REAL soon.
all in a blink of an eye!
anyways, 31st october was halloween!
was only reminded when dearest eunice msged me!
lols. but my halloween celebration was postponed till a day later.
on halloween night itself,
dear and i went night cycling with style's cca people!
it was supposed to be a cca thingyy,
but we just tagged along for the fun of it!
after all, its not everyday one gets to night cycle,
its a first for me.
but i was not too keen on the cycling route,
which covers 30km!!!
i'm already on the verge of dyingg when im running 2.4,
i can't imagine myself cycling 30km..
attended all saints day mass at 6.30pm,
and we were supposed to meet at the ecp mac at 8.30.
very rushhyy, but we weren't late cos my parents gave us a lift there.
ate dinner at de hk cafe,
de food there was not bad at all.
too bloated by the time we were done with dinner,
and we were already running late for meeting up with everybody else.
style arrived at 9 with glen,
andd we all got lost walking in the opposite direction from where we were supposed to be meeting.
walked on for 15mins in the WRONG direction,
until the person in charge finally located us and drove us to the meeting point.
we were put into a group of close to ten people,
and we were off!
style was a little unsteadyy at first but she jus picked up cycling 3 years ago
and hasn't touched a bicycle in a long long time.
but after awhile, she got the hang of it and could cycle pretty fast too!!
first stop was at... hmmm..somewhere kinda far from where we started off.
was already quite tiredd at that time,
but that was onlyy 1/4 of the entire route.
after a short break, we started off cyclingg to pasir ris.
it was amazingly fun to cycle at night because:
1) you don't have the scorching sun beaming down on you, causing you to sweat unnecesarily
2) very little pedestrians to take up space on the walkway
3) if you cycle at the correct speed, it cann get pretty windy
4) good workout for your legs!!
finally reached downtown east, andd we took a pretty long break.
celebrated style's fren's birthday with a mini cake.
andd denn it was off to changi village for supper!
i was getting used to the long cycling distance but when we were nearing changi village,
we had to pass by the old changi hospital.
heard many stories about it,
but never actually wanted to go near it at all.
i forced my gaze away from it,
but i could still feel the building just right beside me.
yeahh, you may call it irrational fear,
but still... its not some place i wanna go near at all.
i'm sure there's nothing REALLY inside,
but the mere sight of the building is enough to make your hair stand.
an old white building, with paint peeling off its walls,
hidden among those tall long grasses.
its the perfect setting for a haunted hospital.
and if things couldn't get worse,
suddenly we could all hear like some chanting noises.
no idea what that was for as well,
but it certainly made me feel SO MUCH more uneasy about that place.
was finally glad to cycle past that area,
as we approached a whole row of chalets.
cycled on for another butt-aching 15 mins before we finally reached changi village.
that place is famous for ah guas, which i have never known before.
18 years of living in singapore,
andd its the first time i've ever seen that place.
seriously, ah guas are difficult to differentiate from real girls.
just that they tower above everybody else cos they're so freakin tall,
andd they're really really pretty as well.
wanted to give up cycling at changi village,
where dear and i decided that we wanted to return the bikes and cab home.
but to our utter disappointment,
there were not enough space on the lorry to carry two more bikes,
so we had to cycle backk to ecp from changi.
plenty of sighs and unwillingness,
but they assured us it was gonna be an easy ride,
andd rather enjoyable too.
i couldn't disagree, but along the way,
there was a section of the route that was absolute darkness.
it was pure terror having to cycle through that.
i would give anything to have any source of light at that moment.
it was not only dangerous, but unnecessary as well.
dear nearly cycled into a tree,
had it not been for style's fren who told him to turn.
andd there was nothing wrong with his eyes,
it was jus too freakin dark.
when we were supposedly nearing ecp,
a minor accident happened.
my leg happened to hook onto those metal poles they have along the roads
andd both me and my bicyle crashed to the ground.
it was nothing big,
all i got was a scratch and a very big oil patch stain on my knees.
but why on earth do they have to put metal poles there!
plus, the poles were so short, i couldn't even see it in time to brake.
up till then,
we were still far from our destination,
and it was already starting to drizzle.
they were predicting a thunderstorm,
andd we quickened our pace,
but still, we were only halfway there when it poured down very heavily.
we seeked shelter at some canoeing place,
andd waited it out there.
the wind was not only very cold,
but we were all wet and tired.
but given that situation, i still managed to fall asleep!
hahahas, wad a pig right.
dear didn't even sleep because he was sitting upright
so that i could lie on his lap.
wahahahs maybe that's why i could sleep so well!
when i fell asleep, i didn't even know an hour plus had already passed.
i was dead tiredddd..
by the time i was woken up,
it was already 7 plus in the morningg.
there was still a slight drizzle but at least
there were cars waiting outside to fetch us back to the mac where we were supposed to cycle to.
had breakfast at macs, hotcakes!
nothing beats eatingg something hot when you're feeling cold and tired.
all i needed was a bath and my sleep!
but no such thing for me as i had to rush backk to school by 9 to attend some talk by the principal.
only when i had reached school did i realise that the talk did not involve me...
how nice.
andd that concluded my night cyclingg with dear and style!
1st November 2008, Saturday

dear and i are gonna celebrate our halloween this year at....
we were running quite late,
long time since i've blogged!
LOADS been going on,
currently, A levels are already on-going!
to all my frens taking A's now,
its finally here,
and it'll all be over REALLY REAL soon.
all in a blink of an eye!
31st october 2008, Friday
anyways, 31st october was halloween!
was only reminded when dearest eunice msged me!
lols. but my halloween celebration was postponed till a day later.
on halloween night itself,
dear and i went night cycling with style's cca people!
it was supposed to be a cca thingyy,
but we just tagged along for the fun of it!
after all, its not everyday one gets to night cycle,
its a first for me.
but i was not too keen on the cycling route,
which covers 30km!!!
i'm already on the verge of dyingg when im running 2.4,
i can't imagine myself cycling 30km..
attended all saints day mass at 6.30pm,
and we were supposed to meet at the ecp mac at 8.30.
very rushhyy, but we weren't late cos my parents gave us a lift there.
ate dinner at de hk cafe,
de food there was not bad at all.
too bloated by the time we were done with dinner,
and we were already running late for meeting up with everybody else.
style arrived at 9 with glen,
andd we all got lost walking in the opposite direction from where we were supposed to be meeting.
walked on for 15mins in the WRONG direction,
until the person in charge finally located us and drove us to the meeting point.
we were put into a group of close to ten people,
and we were off!
style was a little unsteadyy at first but she jus picked up cycling 3 years ago
and hasn't touched a bicycle in a long long time.
but after awhile, she got the hang of it and could cycle pretty fast too!!
first stop was at... hmmm..somewhere kinda far from where we started off.
was already quite tiredd at that time,
but that was onlyy 1/4 of the entire route.
after a short break, we started off cyclingg to pasir ris.
it was amazingly fun to cycle at night because:
1) you don't have the scorching sun beaming down on you, causing you to sweat unnecesarily
2) very little pedestrians to take up space on the walkway
3) if you cycle at the correct speed, it cann get pretty windy
4) good workout for your legs!!
finally reached downtown east, andd we took a pretty long break.
celebrated style's fren's birthday with a mini cake.
andd denn it was off to changi village for supper!
i was getting used to the long cycling distance but when we were nearing changi village,
we had to pass by the old changi hospital.
heard many stories about it,
but never actually wanted to go near it at all.
i forced my gaze away from it,
but i could still feel the building just right beside me.
yeahh, you may call it irrational fear,
but still... its not some place i wanna go near at all.
i'm sure there's nothing REALLY inside,
but the mere sight of the building is enough to make your hair stand.
an old white building, with paint peeling off its walls,
hidden among those tall long grasses.
its the perfect setting for a haunted hospital.
and if things couldn't get worse,
suddenly we could all hear like some chanting noises.
no idea what that was for as well,
but it certainly made me feel SO MUCH more uneasy about that place.
was finally glad to cycle past that area,
as we approached a whole row of chalets.
cycled on for another butt-aching 15 mins before we finally reached changi village.
that place is famous for ah guas, which i have never known before.
18 years of living in singapore,
andd its the first time i've ever seen that place.
seriously, ah guas are difficult to differentiate from real girls.
just that they tower above everybody else cos they're so freakin tall,
andd they're really really pretty as well.
wanted to give up cycling at changi village,
where dear and i decided that we wanted to return the bikes and cab home.
but to our utter disappointment,
there were not enough space on the lorry to carry two more bikes,
so we had to cycle backk to ecp from changi.
plenty of sighs and unwillingness,
but they assured us it was gonna be an easy ride,
andd rather enjoyable too.
i couldn't disagree, but along the way,
there was a section of the route that was absolute darkness.
it was pure terror having to cycle through that.
i would give anything to have any source of light at that moment.
it was not only dangerous, but unnecessary as well.
dear nearly cycled into a tree,
had it not been for style's fren who told him to turn.
andd there was nothing wrong with his eyes,
it was jus too freakin dark.
when we were supposedly nearing ecp,
a minor accident happened.
my leg happened to hook onto those metal poles they have along the roads
andd both me and my bicyle crashed to the ground.
it was nothing big,
all i got was a scratch and a very big oil patch stain on my knees.
but why on earth do they have to put metal poles there!
plus, the poles were so short, i couldn't even see it in time to brake.
up till then,
we were still far from our destination,
and it was already starting to drizzle.
they were predicting a thunderstorm,
andd we quickened our pace,
but still, we were only halfway there when it poured down very heavily.
we seeked shelter at some canoeing place,
andd waited it out there.
the wind was not only very cold,
but we were all wet and tired.
but given that situation, i still managed to fall asleep!
hahahas, wad a pig right.
dear didn't even sleep because he was sitting upright
so that i could lie on his lap.
wahahahs maybe that's why i could sleep so well!
when i fell asleep, i didn't even know an hour plus had already passed.
i was dead tiredddd..
by the time i was woken up,
it was already 7 plus in the morningg.
there was still a slight drizzle but at least
there were cars waiting outside to fetch us back to the mac where we were supposed to cycle to.
had breakfast at macs, hotcakes!
nothing beats eatingg something hot when you're feeling cold and tired.
all i needed was a bath and my sleep!
but no such thing for me as i had to rush backk to school by 9 to attend some talk by the principal.
only when i had reached school did i realise that the talk did not involve me...
how nice.
andd that concluded my night cyclingg with dear and style!
1st November 2008, Saturday

dear and i are gonna celebrate our halloween this year at....
we had gotten tickets weeks before for the halloween horros event happening at the night safari!
ours included a ride on board the halloween cocktail express!~
do not underestimate this warning.
its seriously true...
we were running quite late,
and only reached the night safari at 8.45pm.
the place was extremely crowded when we arrived,
with all the tour groups as well as many tourists and locals.
took a quick walk around and you cann see spooky things like this..
ghostly dim sum seller,
with no dim sum within those bamboo baskets,
but someone hiding inside waiting to scare the crap outta you!
we also saw...
some creepyy scarecrow guy!
pardon the poor picture quality,
totally forgot my camera and had to rely on my fone's lousy 2 megapix camera.
we still had time before boarding the tram,
so we went on the walking trail within the night safari itself.
the entire place had this eeerie feel to it,
which really adds to the atmosphere.
after 5 mins of walking,
we arrived at...
nothing really much on the bridge except some dismemebered limbs and arms.
it was only until i saw..
this STUPID guy which scared the crap outta me!
he would just pace around slowly,
waiting to scare innocent passerbys.
i really tried my very best to give him a i'm-so-totally-not-scared-of-you look,
but it failed terribly,
andd i knew he was gonna scare the crap outta me if we walked past!
so... i did what my instincts told me to do.
i grabbed dear's hand and pulled him in the opposite direction and ran for dear life!
its a lucky thing he didn't start chasing..
wanted to explore the other trails,
but i was a teeny weeeny bit, just a little bit frightened to walk past them.
the funniest thing was that these people dressed as ghosts didn't scare dear.
instead, he got frightened by one of the staff.
the innocent guy was just standing there at the side of the rail,
instructing us to move on along the trail.
i thinkk the way he suddenly spoke was abit shocking,
but at least i was scared of those real ghostly stuff!
he got frightened by the wrong person! hahahahs.
plus he wasn't dressed in ghostly costumes,
but pants and a black polo tee!
finally, 10.30 arrived and it was time for us to board the
we were seated all the way at the back!
andd i had no choice but to seat at the corner of the tram.
stupid assigned seats...
this was how it looked like inside.
i'd rather be at the place where the girl was seating...
but i was seated on the outside!! grrr...
we decided to give it another shot at trying to take some pics with our phone cameras.
meet my new fren, Mr Skull!
we look quite alike when we smile..
but wait till you see this..
cann you see the uncanny resemblance?!?!
the tram ride was 50mins long,
andd the commentator was really good.
her voice sounded so witchyy,
it made the entire ride seem so much more spooky.
the first part of the tram ride was to bring us to see the animals of the night safari.
although i was supposed to be noticing the animals,
i was more afraid that something was gonna pounce out from among the bushes and
scare me to death.
so half the time, i was inching closer and closer to the inside of the tram.
finally, when my mood started to relax abit..
i could appreciate the layout of the entire night safari.
the animals were pretty limited,
and there was no way i would even try to walk throughout the night safari at night.
too dark for my liking..
but on a tram, it was a different thing.
your legs didn't have to work,
plus the weather was pretty nice.
got abit chilly halfway through the ride,
but other than that, two thumbs up for the tram ride!
everything was going nicely,
until we suddenly approached the scary part of the ride!
it was to show what would happen to people who tortured animals in their life,
the punishments they would receive.
from a distance,
i could see those green neon glowing lights,
with plenty of smoke adding to the already creepy atmosphere.
andd den, the lights in the tram went out!
the tiny tealight on our table also went out,
but luckily, it was lighted backk once again.
but other than that, there were no other source of light.
the dark was not promising at all!
andd i knew that there was surely something up ahead.
not surprising at all, we could hear screams coming from the front carriage!
the first 'ghost' just stood there andd gently caressed you as the tram went by,
it was a lucky thing the girl touching me didn't have that much of a scaryy look!
she just looks blankk.
the ride went on and there were more and more ghosts that suddenly popped out and scared the shit out of everybody!
the 15mins just went by with much screams, followed by plenty of laughters.
the flashes that came from the cameras really helped cos they acted as a source of light
to reflect those people dressing up as ghosts so that at least i could know where they were.
some ghosts were pretty cute,
like the headless one.
i bet he would have fallen at least once that night,
since he so bravely attempted to run in that bulky costume of his.
in a matter of minutes,
the ride was over and it was a huge sigh of relief!
but it was so much funnn!!
halloween just rocks!!!~
(although it cann get a teeny tiny bit scaryy! hahas)
andd that concluded my halloween this year!
2nd November 2008, Sunday
today is my sister's 12th birthday!!!
there was gonna be a bbq for her,
but she has no idea that her frens would be coming.
the past week had been rather disappointing for her
as none of her frens said they would be free to come to her birthday bbq.
BUT BUT BUT, i was already one step ahead in inviting her frens over!
she was gonna get a bigbig surprise!
my mom did most of the cooking for the bbq,
although it was supposed to be a bbq,
we ended up having more cooked food than bbq-ed food!
dear and i got down to wrapping my sis's present in the afternoon.
a number of people have pooled in money to get her her most desired present ever,
a nitendo DS(pink).
her present was to be wrapped in layers and layers of newspaper.
dear suggested wrapping it in a doggy shape.
andd we successfully did it.
but we had no way of wrapping it with a normal wrapping paper,
so we abandoned the idea of changing it into a dog but stuck with the idea of simply wrapping it in more layers.
around 4,
the worst thing happened!
it started raining.... very heavily.
it was a nightmare for anyone having a bbq!
style arrived with glen around 5,
andd we started to bring all the stuff down to the pit
when the rain subsided.
andd when all of my sister's frens have arrived,
the bbq started.
i have to say,
the bbq would have been a total mess without the help of dear, style! and glen.
dear and glen were the ones who helped set up the pit,
andd the 4 of us took turns to bbq.
perhaps its because there were more than enough cooked food to go around,
which explains why there were only 4 of us bbq-ing.
if there were only raw bbq-ed food available,
i bet there would be much more people bbq-ing those food.
like the best bbq-ers in the whole wide world! xDDD
does the food look any better with my hand in the picture?
the only chance i had to take a picture with a birthday girl,
and she shoved my head just when my dad snapped the picture,
which explains my super weird expression!
but nvms, hers is no better xDD
birthday girl with style and glen!!
her frens who had a fair share in tricking her that they were unable to make it for her birthdayy party!!!
by the time i got down to eat,
my parents were already askingg us to cut the birthday cake,
cos there were people who wanted to go home already.
it was only 7.30!!
group picture!
note the cute bunny ears above dear's head!
my parents.
credits goes to them for sponsoring, preparing and cooking the food for the bbq~
her absolute favourite awfully chocolate cake!!
then it was time for her to open her present..
little did she expect the many layers that she had to open
before she could get hold of her DS!
she was so touched that she actually cried!
can't believe that something like this could make her so happy until she can cry!
not bad not bad.
she had a great birthdayyy and she was really happy about the entire thing.
so it was a SUCCESS~ =DDD
so many people helped and a big thank you to all of you!!!~
my sister says a BIG BIG THANK YOU for helping her celebrate her 12th birthday
and making it such a happy happy memorable one for her!
been a very busy weekend,
so i'm glad to have time to relax at home for now..
jus slacking aroundd and watching random shows on tv
is no doubt an absolute waste of time,
but it provides ultimate relaxation for me!!!
jiayou once again to those having ur math paper now!
i would faint if i were in the exam hall now taking h2 math.
i will just surrender immediately!
[[ discovering so much more to life ]]]
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