this sucks. everything about being sick sucks.
exams are in a week. let this be over and done with!
till after my exams.
i really really can't wait. :(
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
he's back!
like finally. hahaha my baby's back from HK!! :D
ohh loves! & to think yesterday was like my worst day ever. i hate wednesdays that end so late. :(
its sooo draining!
anyways, baby returned as santa claus! literally.
maybe the food in HK was too great! hahaha i'm sure he tried his best to sustain from overeating. :)
but the TONS of presents that i received! aww LOVED!
not only from baby, but his aunts all bought me stuffs from there as well. :))
i feel too spoilt.
what baby's mom got me was beyond shocking;
i am now the proud owner of a bottle of Absolut Glimmer!! <3
& baby's best buy was a whole bunch of Kapi toys from the capsule machine,
hahaha i laughed so hard when he said he had to try the boots on to see if they were my size!
(we have the same feet size anyway. haha no, his feet is not small, mine is gigantic)
& the shopkeeper nearly thought he was getting them from himself!
HAHAHA love you bby! :D you're the funniest!
received a whole bunch of clothes as well. Leggings that are wayyy overpriced in Singapore,
a super light&portable brolly (that had laces along the trims),
and cat-related things (lovable pouch & like this huuuge stack of kitten bookmarks),
& from his aunt: a wood carving of Johnny Depp!! it was hand made, & is the uncanny resemblance of Capt' Jack Sparrow! awesome!
Finally caught Harry Potter on Tuesday!
it was sooo awesome! the first thing on my Holiday To-Do List is to read the last book one more time! This movie did the book so much justice, in comparison to the previous 6 movies.
I enjoyed it thoroughly! i love it how movies can drag on for so long, & lucky for me, all those movies dragging on for 2-3 hours are my favourites; POTC, LOTR, HP, we-ll maybe not really King Kong. that one was abit TOO draggy.
Have a long day ahead once again.
I'm kinda happy next week's last week of school, then again, its an ironical kinda happy, cos that also marks the start of my finals. Boo. can't wait for it to be over.
Kate's coming back in a week! Or less than that actually.
Like in 4 days! same day as the family! :D
double happiness! :)))
[[ sun shining, clear blue skies. ]]
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
a quickie!
yay! i think i managed to switch my biological clock back!
no more late nights for me! :)
com201 mid term today! then its down to one last quiz before our finals!
oh can't wait!
catching Harry Potter tonight as well!
one more day
no more late nights for me! :)
com201 mid term today! then its down to one last quiz before our finals!
oh can't wait!
catching Harry Potter tonight as well!
one more day
Monday, November 22, 2010
& the glamour don't stop.
The Limited Edition for this festive season, in line with Absolut Disco, Absolut Masquerade & Absolut Rock edition!
ohhh aint it a beauty!
For once, they actually did modification to the bottle itself, which is a rare thing!
This time we wanted to create something truly different. For the first time ever, we challenged the bottle shape by modifying the finish of the glass. ABSOLUT GLIMMER is a glimmering version of our iconic bottle, re-designed to dazzle people in any place and happening where it is present”, says Anna Malmhake, Vice President, Global Marketing.
When i first bought Masquerade, you can imagine the disappointment when i realized the red-sequin exterior was MERELY a sleeve. :(
inside, it was just the same old original Absolut.
But not this time! :))
it is such a keeper, this one!
ABSOLUT GLIMMER is a stylish design concept that challenges the norm of the traditional gift pack. With its glimmering design and crystallic facets, it is a definite eye-catcher. It does not only look stunning. By its mere presence, ABSOLUT GLIMMER inspires people to dress up, shine and always look for those small but precious indulgences.
“With ABSOLUT GLIMMER, we want to encourage people to make the present exceptional. The idea that any moment anywhere can turn out to be a memory for life – bringing inspiration and excitement to any event – is what this bottle is all about”Very true indeed! i just wiped away a tear. ^^
Its just the right thing for this holiday season!!
The family just left for Taiwan this morning!
awww..envious.. :(( i could have been on that plane if it weren't for YOG! :(
i want my slice of an overseas holiday too! >:(
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Kapibara-san - カピバラさん
Kapibara-san is a character created by Banpresto.
At the beginning you could only get a Kapibara-san from toy crane vending machines.
But people wanted it so much that they started selling it everywhere,
different sizes, different colors, T-shirts, books and all kinds of merchandising.
It is interesting how they managed to create a phenomenon just from a boring and simple animal (A capybara).
A Capybara! omg worlds apart from my kawaii Kapibarasan, or what i nicknamed 'Tingly"
I first fell in love with it at a claw toy machine in DTE,
and its soo adorable i felt i had to have it!
it was really by chance that baby caught it for me!
we had spent $6 at the machine, and on our last dollar, the claw caught my very first tingly by the scarf!!
BIG white one with the pink scarf (2 from the left, last row) was my very first kapi!
then we 'rescued' her boyfriend, the one in blue scarf beside her a few weeks later.
I like to term it 'rescue' cos its like saving them from the cold, lonely interiors of the toy machine, and showering them with love and care!
This is my collection thus far!
& i'm proud to say, all has been caught by my baby! yep! each and every single one.
whenever we walk past an arcade, the first thing he'll do is to check out if there's any kapi available, cos i'll be soo excited if they're carrying any, and he'll really spend every single $ trying to catch it for me! <3
this is my biggest kapi so far!
its not caught though, baby bought it for me at action city!
first time i've seen kapi on sale! the other annoying thing is that you can't ever buy kapi merchandises, you can only CATCH them/win them. :(
just last monday, baby blew $30 trying to catch a kapi pouch for me, but failed very badly. :(
what a waste of money.. :((
sometimes i wish i wouldn't like it so much, as i know its really a waste of money!
but there's no other way i can get it unless i travel all the way to Japan, and stock up on their merchandises.
caught this bear that day, while attempting to catch a halloween kapi draped in a ghostly costume! failed to win it, and its gone from the machine already! :(
recently, i discovered the FB page for Kapi!
& i found TONS of cool stuff there, things i've never even seen before!!
walking Kapi. baby attempted before but failed. :(
nomnom Kapi! this is the cutest!!!
i love the nomnom kapi! <3
Kapi Mug Warmer. don't talk about this one.
machine was totally rigged! blew $20 on this one for nothing! :/
don't ever go the outlet @ PS.
BATH SET! with its very own kapi sponge!! ^^
Kapi tissue holder!!
i need one of this!
& Kapi even invaded the food industry!
whole range of Kapi Sushi (or whatever the proper name is for it)
haha i don't mind getting paper cuts if it gives me the chance to put one of these on!
cute Kapi Puppy bed! probably the doggy/kitty won't appreciate it, but it looks so soft and squishy!
who wouldn't love cuddling up to it!
& this is one of my favourites!!!
would kill for one of these.
A Kapi Chocolate Fondue Pot!! with matching Kapi toothpicks! <3 style="cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 400px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5541665733368928146" border="0">
This is gonna be in front of my wedding car on my wedding day!!
People may have mickey/minnie mouse, i want Kapi at the front of the car!!
Kapi holds a very special place in my heart! <3>:(
just got a call from baby!
he bought a hi-card there! yay! :D
if only he'd call last night, i'd have been able to sleep so soundly.
he's immersing himself with all the great steals & smelly tofu, the last i heard (15 mins ago)
& he got a kapi for me from the capsule machine there! only thing its purple! hahaha.
purple, pink, yellow, welcome to my kapi family still! :D
lost all motivation to study for com201. :(
shall rest early & get up bright & early tmr!
baby's heading off the Disneyland tmr. just pain me green.
OMG i forgot to warn him bout the birdflu thing!! arghh!
damn, hate my short term memory @ times! >:(
Saturday, November 20, 2010
nothing like REAL breakfast to start my day!
to cheer me up on last night's whole alone-in-the-hall fiasco,
i headed out bright & early to have breakfast @ The Palate, if you count 11am as early. got woken up in the middle of the night @5am cos xr left her room key in the toilet!
spent another whole 20mins trying to get back to sleep. :((
anyways, I heard they serve up really affordable American breakfast!
and true enough to what i've heard, they do!
& luckily i made it in time before they ran outta breakfast stuffs.
yes, finally some QUALITY breakfast around here.
my breakfast for the past few months has been bread/yam pau at cant 14. :((
its so rare that i actually have the chance to come all the way to N. Spine.
ahhh~ nothing better than this! & they even had cuppuccino!
of course, its nothing compared to Starbucks, but it works for me.
its so empty here on sat, & the last time i've been here on a weekend was 2 Sundays back,
and it was dominated by China people.
its nice to enjoy some peace in N. Spine when its always packed full with people!
& i survived my first night alone! woohoo! :D
Late Update/
Alice's birthday cake! (done by My Fat Lady- owners are real sweet about the whole thing!)
ain't it a beauty!! & i was so lucky to be able to find that quote frm coco chanel like a few hours before i had to confirm the order! <3
it was definitely a surprise!
& thank gawd for baby who drove me all the way down to pick the cake up,
if not i'd have to train down all the way to Bukit dunno-where(i forgot the name) to pick it up & train back again!
& i don't think the cake would have been able to survive the train/bus rides.
already tried the cheese flavor which was fab! (or maybe all midnight snacks taste great!)
They have it in Sour Cream & Onion (which is this one), and the Original.
I need to find new snacks to tide me thru those hungry nights in hall!
completely forgot about these pasta mania vouchers that i'd won few months back!
Together with a Letters to Juliet stamp set & a poster (hanging on baby's wall now cos of his obsession for Amanda Seyfried)
Their vouchers look so pretty i can't bear to use them!
But these could buy me a pretty good meal @ pasta mania.
i miss outside food so much, missed home cooked food even more.
mommy made curry last wed, cos she knew i rarely had the chance to eat @ home.
im so sick of school food already. cooking is not an option for me as well. argh...
Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle,
rather a beautiful realisation of just how strong true love can be.
having troubles sleeping though i'm dead tired.
the air-con smells stuffy & weird! :((
i haven't gotten around to finishing my 201 readings which i planned to complete by tonight.
such a failure.
& cos its past 12, i'm super hungry!
i really really wanna go for exchange badly,
but given the current grades i'm scoring, how to make it? :(
uni life's no piece of cake. how i wish it were all rainbows & sunshine.
just get involved in all the activities you can, don't give a hoot about your exams cos its alright!
all you need is just a pass!
keep dreaming. might come true one day.
Disney princesses are getting prettier as the years go by.
& more independent, Rapunzel is supposed to be helpless & all,
but she looks wild & fierce in the posters, the prince looks kinda wimpy. :(
hahaha say goodbye to those days of Prince Charming on a White Horse.
sleep sleep sleep...
Friday, November 19, 2010
com204 SUBMITTED; sucks to be in hall on friday night! :((
fridays are always good stuff. ![](
today marks the completion of our com204 assignment 2!
we had to come up with a brochure to market a completely new idea.
& i have to say, we did fantabulous!!
credits to Rem & ZY for being such great team members!
our efficiency is really ttm! :))
for all the times we got so hungry while working on this brochure at ungawdly hours in the night!
its making me sooo hungry right now, i'd kill for some quality German FOOD!!
staying in hall on a friday night's sad!!
roomie, i know how you feel right now! *GUILTY FACE*
i promise i'll not leave hall unnecessarily anymore! :(((
no wonderland without alice around. deadly silence!
i'm blaring music off my mac right now as i type this,
maybe i'll leave my music on for the whole night as well.
wonder how i'm gonna get any sleep tonight..
maybe it wasn't such a good idea to stay tonight :/
raining summore!!!! omg classic case of a.. :(((
don't think about it. don't think about it. don't think about it.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
JADED! this is only the beginning.
thank gawd for my wednesday off!
if not i wouldn't know how i'd have the time to work on 204 & start on 205! :((
school's over for now, the day's drawing to an end.
was super productive with the 204 project!
i have great groupmates, what can i say? :D
we're nearly done, down to the last editing, i'm sooo impressed!
shall upload a copy probably tomorrow.
i think our idea could really work! but sadly, we're not gonna be marked based on that,
but rather, based on how we play around with the language to get people interested..
no early night for me with essays to rush!
bloody red ants are infesting my table again, i have no idea what i do sometimes.
there's completely NO food around! :((
i need to bring in ant poison soon...
its a friday, but why don't i seem happy about it?
baby's flyingg of to HK tomorrow on a family vacation, maybe that's why. :((
gonna miss him sooo badly.. can't wait till he's back.
can't wait for exams to be over!!
i'm so damn demoralised by EAR801! :((
take care of yourself, Y. bear!
i'm gonna miss you very very much!
if not i wouldn't know how i'd have the time to work on 204 & start on 205! :((
school's over for now, the day's drawing to an end.
was super productive with the 204 project!
i have great groupmates, what can i say? :D
we're nearly done, down to the last editing, i'm sooo impressed!
shall upload a copy probably tomorrow.
i think our idea could really work! but sadly, we're not gonna be marked based on that,
but rather, based on how we play around with the language to get people interested..
no early night for me with essays to rush!
bloody red ants are infesting my table again, i have no idea what i do sometimes.
there's completely NO food around! :((
i need to bring in ant poison soon...
its a friday, but why don't i seem happy about it?
baby's flyingg of to HK tomorrow on a family vacation, maybe that's why. :((
gonna miss him sooo badly.. can't wait till he's back.
can't wait for exams to be over!!
i'm so damn demoralised by EAR801! :((
take care of yourself, Y. bear!
i'm gonna miss you very very much!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
i'll huff & i'll puff and i'll blow EAR FAR FAR AWAYYY!!!!!
damn, screwed this mid term up as well..
despite studying so hard, was confident i'll be able to do better than my last,
which i only put in like 50% effort as compared to this time round.
argh!! what am i to do? should i s/u it?
i can already predict my final grade...
where's my only source of comfort?
despite studying so hard, was confident i'll be able to do better than my last,
which i only put in like 50% effort as compared to this time round.
argh!! what am i to do? should i s/u it?
i can already predict my final grade...
where's my only source of comfort?
Monday, November 15, 2010
melancholy monday..
SO what if i get a day off from school today cos of e-learning,
i still have 4 essays due!! :(( i'm tearing my hair out trying to figure each of them!
but i'm still grateful for the late wednesday lessons that i've been 'pardoned' from for the past two weeks! last week was e-learning as well, so no 4.30-6.30 lessons.
This week's a public holiday on wednesday! score!
i just wish i didn't have so much work on hand to complete...
baby's going to HK this fridayyy already, and the family's going to taiwan this monday! :((
which leaves me alone and stranded in singapore... :((
uni sucks for eating into my dec holidays! i end the term on 20th dec! 5 days before xmas!
there goes my xmas shopping for this year! & that's my favorite time of the year!! :((
i still have 4 essays due!! :(( i'm tearing my hair out trying to figure each of them!
but i'm still grateful for the late wednesday lessons that i've been 'pardoned' from for the past two weeks! last week was e-learning as well, so no 4.30-6.30 lessons.
This week's a public holiday on wednesday! score!
i just wish i didn't have so much work on hand to complete...
baby's going to HK this fridayyy already, and the family's going to taiwan this monday! :((
which leaves me alone and stranded in singapore... :((
uni sucks for eating into my dec holidays! i end the term on 20th dec! 5 days before xmas!
there goes my xmas shopping for this year! & that's my favorite time of the year!! :((
Saturday, November 13, 2010
My saturday is over! :((
this cheers my mood up a lot,
a poster at Bvlgari, featuring this feline! :))
& yet another, long time ago @ bishan prawning area.
spent my evening at MOF.
food there sucks! the pasta was horrible...
but desserts were still yums!
guess that's the only good thing about them.
bought a pair of jeans @ FOX yesterday night!
best buy in months!! i'm so in love with them!
the last time i actually bought any jeans was 3 years ago cos its so hard to find anything that fits me nicely.
or maybe it fits me nicely but i didn't like the colour/cutting.
best $60 spent! plus i won a $20 voucher & lifetime membership! <3
i'm so tempted to go back shopping again! :))
cia loved her chocolatepotatochips from Royce!
i love it as well! she's got me hooked onto this spicy seaweed!
50cents a piece! expensive but oh-so-good!
can't wait till she gets her 2nd present! she's gonna love it more!
leave my baby yogi bear alone! >:(
a poster at Bvlgari, featuring this feline! :))
& yet another, long time ago @ bishan prawning area.
spent my evening at MOF.
food there sucks! the pasta was horrible...
but desserts were still yums!
guess that's the only good thing about them.
bought a pair of jeans @ FOX yesterday night!
best buy in months!! i'm so in love with them!
the last time i actually bought any jeans was 3 years ago cos its so hard to find anything that fits me nicely.
or maybe it fits me nicely but i didn't like the colour/cutting.
best $60 spent! plus i won a $20 voucher & lifetime membership! <3
i'm so tempted to go back shopping again! :))
cia loved her chocolatepotatochips from Royce!
i love it as well! she's got me hooked onto this spicy seaweed!
50cents a piece! expensive but oh-so-good!
can't wait till she gets her 2nd present! she's gonna love it more!
leave my baby yogi bear alone! >:(
Thursday, November 11, 2010
this made me laugh!
Santa Singh's wife was expecting and the baby was due any day. Santa was very confident it would be a boy and was looking forward to the delivery day. As fate would have it, he was transferred to another city and had to join office immediately. Before going, he asked his father-in-law to send a telegram confirming the birth of his son.
But in order to avoid giving party to his office colleagues he asks his father-in-law to write "the clock has arrived" and he will understand that the son is born..
The D-day arrived. His wife delivered a cute little baby girl.
Now Santa's father-in-law didn't know what to do. If he writes "the clock has arrived" Santa will think he has got a Son. If he writes "the clock has not arrived" Santa will get worried that something serious has happened. But being a very intelligent person, he finds a solution and sends the telegram.
Just read below, you will love it
Santa received the telegram opened it eagerly and reads
The D-day arrived. His wife delivered a cute little baby girl.
Now Santa's father-in-law didn't know what to do. If he writes "the clock has arrived" Santa will think he has got a Son. If he writes "the clock has not arrived" Santa will get worried that something serious has happened. But being a very intelligent person, he finds a solution and sends the telegram.
Just read below, you will love it
Santa received the telegram opened it eagerly and reads
"The clock has arrived, but the "pendulum" is missing".
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
GARHH!!don't ever skip lecture.
EAR801 is ended for now! don't have to touch it till after all my core exams! =D
just cos the lot of us skipped one lecture to mug for our com201 mid terms,
the lecturer showed a video about some Mayon volcano which we missed!!
even common sense didn't save me this time.
how was i supposed to know the volcano was even named after some princess that died a tragic death? i picked the most logical answer (It was named after a volcano with similar characteristics)
And i thought the most logical reason why the villagers chose to stay around the volcano was because I suspected the volcano was located in some 3rd world country,
so the answer must have been 'They were forced to stay there by the government."
Or even if its not that, it could have been 'They were afraid that if they left the area, a curse would befall them."
Because that is what happened to that recent tribe leader right?
He refused to move from the mountain to show his devotion? Something along that line?
but NO!
the answer was 'The people LIKED it there, and they had nowhere else to move'
granted its scenic and all, but we're learning about hazards!
damn, luck and common sense were useless today.
one exam down, millions of assignments to clear...bah!
can't wait for the holidays to arrive! and XMAS!!!
*jingle bells, jingle bells*
cheer up yogi bear! don't be so moody anymore!
i'm here for you! :)
just cos the lot of us skipped one lecture to mug for our com201 mid terms,
the lecturer showed a video about some Mayon volcano which we missed!!
even common sense didn't save me this time.
how was i supposed to know the volcano was even named after some princess that died a tragic death? i picked the most logical answer (It was named after a volcano with similar characteristics)
And i thought the most logical reason why the villagers chose to stay around the volcano was because I suspected the volcano was located in some 3rd world country,
so the answer must have been 'They were forced to stay there by the government."
Or even if its not that, it could have been 'They were afraid that if they left the area, a curse would befall them."
Because that is what happened to that recent tribe leader right?
He refused to move from the mountain to show his devotion? Something along that line?
but NO!
the answer was 'The people LIKED it there, and they had nowhere else to move'
granted its scenic and all, but we're learning about hazards!
damn, luck and common sense were useless today.
one exam down, millions of assignments to clear...bah!
can't wait for the holidays to arrive! and XMAS!!!
*jingle bells, jingle bells*
cheer up yogi bear! don't be so moody anymore!
i'm here for you! :)
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
EAR801 is killing me!
there's still 4 more chapters left unread,
not to mention the previous 8 chapters that needs revision on.
This is so much harder than i thought. :((
not to mention the previous 8 chapters that needs revision on.
This is so much harder than i thought. :((
Monday, November 08, 2010
com205 speech! ENDED!
Finally, I am nearly cleared with public speaking!
of the 4 graded speeches:
- 2 individuals (completed)
- 1 group (JUST COMPLETED!)
- 1 impromptu (no way you can prepare for it!)
Had such a headache after sleeping only at 2.30am last night!
Was supposed to get up at 8 today to prepare, but i overslept!
2 alarms didn't help! me&roomie both overslept!
baby panicked as he knew i had this speech today,
and he thought i overslept and missed lessons!
I only got woken up by his 13th call! (12 missed xD)
was 9+ by the time he woke me up,
and i had to rush through everything!
many thanks to rooomie who helped me pick out the perfect outfit! <3
what will i do without her sometimes. :)
Got to school in time for the practice speech, had tutorials (longest 2 hours ever)!
rushed through lunch just in time to squeeze in one more speech.
then.. Paul walked into the LT! =O
we were all a hundred times more nervous than before he came in! sheesh!
PLUS, we were the first group presenting..
our product: iDunno, supplies you with all your study materials for physics, english, econs, chem ON THE GO!
Nobody gave us any hard Q&A, phew.
and then it was over for us! =D
com205: public speaking is >50% over! yayy!
But on hand now, I've still got:
- EAR801 mid term (Wed)
- COM204 assignment (Fri)
[[ one down, another 981237283718 more to go! ADD OIL ADD OIL! ]]
of the 4 graded speeches:
- 2 individuals (completed)
- 1 group (JUST COMPLETED!)
- 1 impromptu (no way you can prepare for it!)
Had such a headache after sleeping only at 2.30am last night!
Was supposed to get up at 8 today to prepare, but i overslept!
2 alarms didn't help! me&roomie both overslept!
baby panicked as he knew i had this speech today,
and he thought i overslept and missed lessons!
I only got woken up by his 13th call! (12 missed xD)
was 9+ by the time he woke me up,
and i had to rush through everything!
many thanks to rooomie who helped me pick out the perfect outfit! <3
what will i do without her sometimes. :)
Got to school in time for the practice speech, had tutorials (longest 2 hours ever)!
rushed through lunch just in time to squeeze in one more speech.
then.. Paul walked into the LT! =O
we were all a hundred times more nervous than before he came in! sheesh!
PLUS, we were the first group presenting..
our product: iDunno, supplies you with all your study materials for physics, english, econs, chem ON THE GO!
Nobody gave us any hard Q&A, phew.
and then it was over for us! =D
com205: public speaking is >50% over! yayy!
But on hand now, I've still got:
- EAR801 mid term (Wed)
- COM204 assignment (Fri)
[[ one down, another 981237283718 more to go! ADD OIL ADD OIL! ]]
Sunday, November 07, 2010
We are family!
Its school once again, and mommy knew how much i dreaded going back to school on a Sunday.
Sunday just doesn't feel right for school, yes call me traditional and old,
i still draw a VERY clear line between weekdays and weekends. HAHA.
baby came out from camp this morning while i was still snoozing in bed,
headed down to Macs for breakfast!! :D
only on these rare days that we get up before 12 on a Sunday.
By 11.45am, I had all my stuffs geared up to face another week of school.
I know its gonna be a tough one this week, so I readied photoframes, extra pillows and my fav nightshirts!
Alice was already back in hall by the time I got there,
dad helped me set up my printer which is in full gear now!
He specially rushed to get me one just this morning. :))
now i can print things from the comfort of my room! <3
On the way to school, i kept whining how its unfair that I had to go back to school on a Sunday, and yes, i know its an important presentation on Monday,
but Sunday & School just doesn't sound right to me. :(
mom&papa promised to meet me for dinner tonight with cia (finally she's back from church camp! I can almost visualise her with the halo & them angel wings! xD)
spent the entire afternoon working on our 205 speech for tomorrow!
I'm kinda proud of our creation!
Initally, I thought it was gonna be a pretty boring speech.
but no, i'm confident we'll NOT put our audience to sleep tomorrow!
Just hope that we'll all be able to present well like we've practiced and ACE THIS THING! =D our product really rules!
Then, headed back to hall to dump the stuffs, and waited for them to arrive for dinner.
Roomie joined us for dinner! =D
Was raining pretty heavily by the time mom&dad&cia arrived.
When i got onto the car, they started bombarding me with questions about baby.
Cia:When i called Justin, he said he didn't wanna come because he didn't wanna see you! He says his sleep is more important than you!
Me: really? haiyah he's always that mean!! *pretend to frown!*
Mum: You really like Justin meh????
Me: YES!!!! I LIKE!!!!! (wide-eyed look that she's questioning this only now!)
Dad: So what is it that you like about Justin?
Me: I like it that he knows I like dogs, and found a dog for me to play with! *SMILES*
Mum: What you don't like about Justin huh???
Me: haha he's getting fat!! So I have to pull him to go exercise every weekend!
Suddenly, a pair of hands grabs me form the back of the car, giving me the shock of my life!
and there he was!
it was cia's little surprise for me, to invite baby along for dinner!
I was so happy to see him!!! I thought i could only meet him on next friday,
but nope! wish granted! haha i can last this week.
Seeing mom&dad so welcoming towards him made me feel so so happy!
I know i do let them worry sometimes, but I'm trying my best not to.
They've been the most understanding parents any lucky girl could ever ask for,
so i buried all my unhappiness and stress from schoolwork deep down!
I am a happy girl today! =D
There's nothing more that I want, I have everything i need right now. :)
Had dinner at Thai Express!
Thai food on a rainy day! <3
waiting for the food.
cia got soooo pissed off at the lady who was attending to us, haha! long story.
mom&dad <3
The world's most understanding&loving reward goes to them.
My dinner!
decided to give their green curry a try, it was good! just the right amount of creaminess! I LIKE!
but i still prefer my spicy hot noodles! :( cravingggss unsatisfied!!
shopped for about an hour after,
got all my stuffs for hall, den mom&dad drove us back to hall!
I can sleep happy tonight even though i'm not in my own bed on a Sunday night! :D
loveyoumom&dad&cia&justin&roomie! thanks for making my night!
dinner @ handburger with baby! <3
i LOVE their calamari! feel like going back for more!
hahaha! i only posted this cos i'm feeling hungry nowwww!!
And my mini surprise from baby,
who popped up with this just a few weeks back!
these babies are absolute BLISS!!!
they really melt in your mouth! I finished them within a week. :((
baby promised me a lifetime of unlimited supplies, wonder if I'll grow fat from this kinda frequent indulgence? lols.
<3 you & your chocs baby!
Thanks for always cheering me up & making my day with such sweet things!
[[ SMILE! ]]]
Sunday just doesn't feel right for school, yes call me traditional and old,
i still draw a VERY clear line between weekdays and weekends. HAHA.
baby came out from camp this morning while i was still snoozing in bed,
headed down to Macs for breakfast!! :D
only on these rare days that we get up before 12 on a Sunday.
By 11.45am, I had all my stuffs geared up to face another week of school.
I know its gonna be a tough one this week, so I readied photoframes, extra pillows and my fav nightshirts!
Alice was already back in hall by the time I got there,
dad helped me set up my printer which is in full gear now!
He specially rushed to get me one just this morning. :))
now i can print things from the comfort of my room! <3
On the way to school, i kept whining how its unfair that I had to go back to school on a Sunday, and yes, i know its an important presentation on Monday,
but Sunday & School just doesn't sound right to me. :(
mom&papa promised to meet me for dinner tonight with cia (finally she's back from church camp! I can almost visualise her with the halo & them angel wings! xD)
spent the entire afternoon working on our 205 speech for tomorrow!
I'm kinda proud of our creation!
Initally, I thought it was gonna be a pretty boring speech.
but no, i'm confident we'll NOT put our audience to sleep tomorrow!
Just hope that we'll all be able to present well like we've practiced and ACE THIS THING! =D our product really rules!
Then, headed back to hall to dump the stuffs, and waited for them to arrive for dinner.
Roomie joined us for dinner! =D
Was raining pretty heavily by the time mom&dad&cia arrived.
When i got onto the car, they started bombarding me with questions about baby.
Cia:When i called Justin, he said he didn't wanna come because he didn't wanna see you! He says his sleep is more important than you!
Me: really? haiyah he's always that mean!! *pretend to frown!*
Mum: You really like Justin meh????
Me: YES!!!! I LIKE!!!!! (wide-eyed look that she's questioning this only now!)
Dad: So what is it that you like about Justin?
Me: I like it that he knows I like dogs, and found a dog for me to play with! *SMILES*
Mum: What you don't like about Justin huh???
Me: haha he's getting fat!! So I have to pull him to go exercise every weekend!
Suddenly, a pair of hands grabs me form the back of the car, giving me the shock of my life!
and there he was!
it was cia's little surprise for me, to invite baby along for dinner!
I was so happy to see him!!! I thought i could only meet him on next friday,
but nope! wish granted! haha i can last this week.
Seeing mom&dad so welcoming towards him made me feel so so happy!
I know i do let them worry sometimes, but I'm trying my best not to.
They've been the most understanding parents any lucky girl could ever ask for,
so i buried all my unhappiness and stress from schoolwork deep down!
I am a happy girl today! =D
There's nothing more that I want, I have everything i need right now. :)
Had dinner at Thai Express!
Thai food on a rainy day! <3
waiting for the food.
cia got soooo pissed off at the lady who was attending to us, haha! long story.
mom&dad <3
The world's most understanding&loving reward goes to them.
My dinner!
decided to give their green curry a try, it was good! just the right amount of creaminess! I LIKE!
but i still prefer my spicy hot noodles! :( cravingggss unsatisfied!!
shopped for about an hour after,
got all my stuffs for hall, den mom&dad drove us back to hall!
I can sleep happy tonight even though i'm not in my own bed on a Sunday night! :D
loveyoumom&dad&cia&justin&roomie! thanks for making my night!
dinner @ handburger with baby! <3
i LOVE their calamari! feel like going back for more!
hahaha! i only posted this cos i'm feeling hungry nowwww!!
And my mini surprise from baby,
who popped up with this just a few weeks back!
these babies are absolute BLISS!!!
they really melt in your mouth! I finished them within a week. :((
baby promised me a lifetime of unlimited supplies, wonder if I'll grow fat from this kinda frequent indulgence? lols.
<3 you & your chocs baby!
Thanks for always cheering me up & making my day with such sweet things!
[[ SMILE! ]]]
Saturday, November 06, 2010
MOF: comforting afternoon
My obsession with MOF led to this crazy idea of spending the afternoon at their Bugis outlet. Besides, I will be meeting aud&kwai here later at night!
Can't tell which one i prefer, the MOF that serves main entrees, or the Sweets & Cafe version @ AMK hub.
My teapot came with a candle burning to keep it warm, while my teapot yesterday turned cold after a few hours.
Had mango&salmon sushi for lunch! yummers!
it feels funny to be here alone, perhaps I've forgotten that feeling already. :(
i am still working on my dine-out article for my CCA!
I always thought it was easy work to write a food article,
but it is a completely different affair from blogging.
you need to maintain this air of formality and professionalism! :(
food articles are harder than I thought!
no progress at all.. :((
this weekend is kinda dull, I can't wait for holidays to be here again!
at least i know i'll enjoy my holidays better this time!
but i made a big mistake while setting my timetable,
now i'm stuck with 3 papers on a single day, with 2-hour intervals between each!
AND a morning paper the next day morning!
if i survive that, omg, if i survive that, i can survive anything else!
The people here are so nice, I get my teapot refilled the minute its emptied,
and they're all so smiley! :)
MOF is <3!
[[ i miss that lovable teddybear look when you said you wanted pepper lunch for dinner! <3 ]]
Can't tell which one i prefer, the MOF that serves main entrees, or the Sweets & Cafe version @ AMK hub.
My teapot came with a candle burning to keep it warm, while my teapot yesterday turned cold after a few hours.
Had mango&salmon sushi for lunch! yummers!
it feels funny to be here alone, perhaps I've forgotten that feeling already. :(
i am still working on my dine-out article for my CCA!
I always thought it was easy work to write a food article,
but it is a completely different affair from blogging.
you need to maintain this air of formality and professionalism! :(
food articles are harder than I thought!
no progress at all.. :((
this weekend is kinda dull, I can't wait for holidays to be here again!
at least i know i'll enjoy my holidays better this time!
but i made a big mistake while setting my timetable,
now i'm stuck with 3 papers on a single day, with 2-hour intervals between each!
AND a morning paper the next day morning!
if i survive that, omg, if i survive that, i can survive anything else!
The people here are so nice, I get my teapot refilled the minute its emptied,
and they're all so smiley! :)
MOF is <3!
[[ i miss that lovable teddybear look when you said you wanted pepper lunch for dinner! <3 ]]
this long weekend's a gloomy one.
morning, i'm so not ready to get outta bed today.
but i've got too much to do in so little time! :(
baby's at armceg duty today, which means staying a night over. boo.
and i gotta be back in school by tomorrow afternoon, MAJOR BOO! :((
let's see, there's driving, and then tons of homework to complete,
only thing great about today is dinner with aud&kwai! missed you guys! :D
[[ that clock never stops ticking! ]]
but i've got too much to do in so little time! :(
baby's at armceg duty today, which means staying a night over. boo.
and i gotta be back in school by tomorrow afternoon, MAJOR BOO! :((
let's see, there's driving, and then tons of homework to complete,
only thing great about today is dinner with aud&kwai! missed you guys! :D
[[ that clock never stops ticking! ]]
its been a long time..
and i'm still back to blogger.
after trying to figure out tumblr the whole of last night (well, not exactly, but felt that long to me)
i gave up.
blogger may screw up on me at times, but i still love you <3!
Life's been maddd hectic, and i dunno how much more of this i can handle.
week after week, its mid terms after mid terms.
Another upcoming one on wed on natural hazards! spent 2 hours stuck on volcanoes!!
and that would be only 1 out of 8 chapters complete.
not to mention that group speech on Monday. someone just kill me.
Checked out MOF today! hahaha don't laugh at me.
its a really great place, been around for like gazillion years, and yet i've never gotten round to trying it. I really regret so.
MOF was chanced upon, baby decided that we should go to NEBO cafe because its near and (hopefully) less crowded.
But we realized that there were seats at MOF, so why not?
and i needed a powerpoint badly, and that friendly waitress pointed me in the direction of a seat that had it! score!
the wi-fi was down though. boo. stuck without internet for the entire day.
but i must say, their desserts are HEAVENLY!! *sings-in-angelic-voice!*
or perhaps I wasn't full from lunch! :D
My first Hokkaido Red Bean with matcha gelato and mochi balls!!
it was barely enough, I could have downed 3 bowls effortlessly!
i will MOST definitely be going back for more!
later tonight, we decided to figure out where the queue for KOI bubble tea was so damn long all the time!
And Baby's virgin KOI cafe bubble tea! <3
We wanted to debunk that KOI cafe craze, to find out who would spend 20 mins queueing for some bubble tea.
Yeah, for once, we were those idiots. and like wide-eyed 5-year-olds, we stood there the entire time seeing how the entire shop works!
they need 7 people preparing the drinks, and even so, we had to wait 10mins before we could get ours. speechless.
I've tried KOI when it first came out, like 1.5 years ago, never had it since then, my stomach didn't handle milk tea well.
Surprisingly, KOI was just fine. I loved the taste though!
baby said their trick was to follow Taiwan's bubble milk tea, and that I didn't have to fly to Taiwan to drink it anymore, I could just go to KOI.
lovable and sweet treat. not sure if i'm willing to queue for it again though!
caught Adele: Rise of The Mummy tonight!
it was such a good watch! <3
baby's in love with the lead character, she's awesomely beautiful!
too bad they have a communication barrier! teehee! the whole movie was translated into english, so I doubt she'll even know how to speak english.
She is one helluva character though! It was hilarious, for some weird reason.
i expected more of like The Mummy/Mummy Returns kinda storyline.
hmm! oh well, was a great show!
The next 3 days looks good to watch as well, and MEGAMIND!
i'm sleeping all alone tonight, one of those rare occasions.
sis is at church camp. :( not used to the silence at all, i kinda miss her noise!
and here comes the call i've been waiting for! :D
Goodnight! happy friday for me!
Sentosa with baby, cia, dad & me!
[[ you'll never be alone mentally. :)) ]]
after trying to figure out tumblr the whole of last night (well, not exactly, but felt that long to me)
i gave up.
blogger may screw up on me at times, but i still love you <3!
Life's been maddd hectic, and i dunno how much more of this i can handle.
week after week, its mid terms after mid terms.
Another upcoming one on wed on natural hazards! spent 2 hours stuck on volcanoes!!
and that would be only 1 out of 8 chapters complete.
not to mention that group speech on Monday. someone just kill me.
Checked out MOF today! hahaha don't laugh at me.
its a really great place, been around for like gazillion years, and yet i've never gotten round to trying it. I really regret so.
MOF was chanced upon, baby decided that we should go to NEBO cafe because its near and (hopefully) less crowded.
But we realized that there were seats at MOF, so why not?
and i needed a powerpoint badly, and that friendly waitress pointed me in the direction of a seat that had it! score!
the wi-fi was down though. boo. stuck without internet for the entire day.
but i must say, their desserts are HEAVENLY!! *sings-in-angelic-voice!*
or perhaps I wasn't full from lunch! :D
My first Hokkaido Red Bean with matcha gelato and mochi balls!!
it was barely enough, I could have downed 3 bowls effortlessly!
i will MOST definitely be going back for more!
later tonight, we decided to figure out where the queue for KOI bubble tea was so damn long all the time!
And Baby's virgin KOI cafe bubble tea! <3
We wanted to debunk that KOI cafe craze, to find out who would spend 20 mins queueing for some bubble tea.
Yeah, for once, we were those idiots. and like wide-eyed 5-year-olds, we stood there the entire time seeing how the entire shop works!
they need 7 people preparing the drinks, and even so, we had to wait 10mins before we could get ours. speechless.
I've tried KOI when it first came out, like 1.5 years ago, never had it since then, my stomach didn't handle milk tea well.
Surprisingly, KOI was just fine. I loved the taste though!
baby said their trick was to follow Taiwan's bubble milk tea, and that I didn't have to fly to Taiwan to drink it anymore, I could just go to KOI.
lovable and sweet treat. not sure if i'm willing to queue for it again though!
caught Adele: Rise of The Mummy tonight!
it was such a good watch! <3
baby's in love with the lead character, she's awesomely beautiful!
too bad they have a communication barrier! teehee! the whole movie was translated into english, so I doubt she'll even know how to speak english.
She is one helluva character though! It was hilarious, for some weird reason.
i expected more of like The Mummy/Mummy Returns kinda storyline.
hmm! oh well, was a great show!
The next 3 days looks good to watch as well, and MEGAMIND!
i'm sleeping all alone tonight, one of those rare occasions.
sis is at church camp. :( not used to the silence at all, i kinda miss her noise!
and here comes the call i've been waiting for! :D
Goodnight! happy friday for me!
Sentosa with baby, cia, dad & me!
[[ you'll never be alone mentally. :)) ]]
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