OOOOOOOHHHH YEAHHHH! end of year 2 sem 1!
For all future HP1000 students, it is indeed suicidal to take it as an elective, but one can easily do well if you mug hard enough for it. There are plenty of terms to remember, notes are definitely not enough though, textbooks are a must. & also note the steep bell curve because psych majors will be taking the mod, and there is the unlikely case of high S/U.
The final exam is manageable within the first 2 hours, the last half hour is really for extra checking and stuffs.
No past year papers because I think they repeat questions. Theories are very important, and lots of application during the actual exam itself!
But now all that is over! I have not prepared for the visa interview tomorrow at all, trying my best not to procrastinate, but I just have sooooo many things that I wanna do by tonight, yet i know i'm not gonna last long anymore!
happy holidays!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
how steep a climb.
Just realized that nobody could have S/U-ed this psychology module cos most of them are majors in it, and this is their core. No wonder its been said that this module is not easy.
But in another 2 hours, I'll be breezing through the last 2.5 hours of this semester! I love it how exams sometimes fly by, before you know it, you're rushing for time to finish the final essay and its over and done with! and that guilt doesn't set in till results time so its all good!
can't wait for dimsum lunch later @ Cathay! awh the bliss of post-exam enjoyments!
But in another 2 hours, I'll be breezing through the last 2.5 hours of this semester! I love it how exams sometimes fly by, before you know it, you're rushing for time to finish the final essay and its over and done with! and that guilt doesn't set in till results time so its all good!
can't wait for dimsum lunch later @ Cathay! awh the bliss of post-exam enjoyments!
Monday, November 28, 2011
last official 24 hours of Y2S1
Tomorrow this time, I cannot imagine what I will be feeling.
Obviously with all my papers nearly over, the mood to study for the final paper is close to zero.
My weekends were ineffective studying phases coupled with the yearning for tuesday morning to come quickly.
Now when I'm facing the final lap, I realized i know NOTHING of what my psych teacher has been talking about for the semester. Plus this is not going to be easy because there are short-essays involved, with application of theories that we have learnt!
sudden deja-vu of my B grade just flashed through my mind again.
Had intended to leave N's party after cake-cutting but we went on to games and such, only left at 1, and by the time my head hit the pillow, it was 3AM.
Woke up at 8AM this morning and have been feeling like a dead cow ever since. Already drank a full cuppa coffee, and chewing on plenty of ginseng slices, which will USUALLY work, but seems completely useless now.
You are going to get another B for psychology if you don't PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER NOW and get those theories into your mind. and then you can give up all hope of ever minoring in this field anymore! okay psychology theories, be nice to me, just let me understand you for the next 24 hours and that's all i'm asking. Be nice.
[[ the one that will never get away. ]]
Obviously with all my papers nearly over, the mood to study for the final paper is close to zero.
My weekends were ineffective studying phases coupled with the yearning for tuesday morning to come quickly.
Now when I'm facing the final lap, I realized i know NOTHING of what my psych teacher has been talking about for the semester. Plus this is not going to be easy because there are short-essays involved, with application of theories that we have learnt!
sudden deja-vu of my B grade just flashed through my mind again.
Had intended to leave N's party after cake-cutting but we went on to games and such, only left at 1, and by the time my head hit the pillow, it was 3AM.
Woke up at 8AM this morning and have been feeling like a dead cow ever since. Already drank a full cuppa coffee, and chewing on plenty of ginseng slices, which will USUALLY work, but seems completely useless now.
You are going to get another B for psychology if you don't PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER NOW and get those theories into your mind. and then you can give up all hope of ever minoring in this field anymore! okay psychology theories, be nice to me, just let me understand you for the next 24 hours and that's all i'm asking. Be nice.
[[ the one that will never get away. ]]
Thursday, November 24, 2011
often, you will regret the things you did not do, more than the things you did.
i spent 5 precious minutes trying to calculate how long i should take for each question, because the prof jumbled up the marks for this exam as compared to the past year papers!! arghhh...
Then i rushed straight in, because time was really a HUGE factor. I wish i could have transferred my spare time from astro paper to this one.
Rushed into some stupid question and ten minutes in, I realized I had no clue as to what I was writing. Damn, I looked at the other question and realized I could do that question better! but it was ten minutes left to write, and there goes 20marks.
i spent 5 precious minutes trying to calculate how long i should take for each question, because the prof jumbled up the marks for this exam as compared to the past year papers!! arghhh...
Then i rushed straight in, because time was really a HUGE factor. I wish i could have transferred my spare time from astro paper to this one.
Rushed into some stupid question and ten minutes in, I realized I had no clue as to what I was writing. Damn, I looked at the other question and realized I could do that question better! but it was ten minutes left to write, and there goes 20marks.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
dinner at 4.45PM
Exams sure stress the FATS outta people. Never before have I felt so hungry for the whole entire day, just had a full dinner, and that means I'm definitely going for a second dinner later. Prolly just deal with hot chocolate from Starbucks instead of another full meal. :(
cannot wait for 9AM tomorrow. i'm THIS close to giving up. This exam is just the worst, not only does it have the most facts and figures to memorize, history truly and until today, never is my thing. I do not understand WHY we must understand the movement of communication studies through the various key people, through their 98127387214 researches and different names of research centers opened. Granted, some of these people are interesting to know, but having a 30M question on application of their areas of interests and thought process, urgh...
No amount of information is going into my head anymore, try as I might, my brain just refuses to absorb any further. But i know if i stop now, i'm going to think back after my exams tomorrow and regret not studying harder today. Not giving my mind that slightest chance of having that thought for the next semester while i'm away. back to studying...
p/s: special thanks to all those who've been there to listen to me complain about my exams, and giving me words of encouragement to push on during this trying period. really appreciate having you in my life! <3
cannot wait for 9AM tomorrow. i'm THIS close to giving up. This exam is just the worst, not only does it have the most facts and figures to memorize, history truly and until today, never is my thing. I do not understand WHY we must understand the movement of communication studies through the various key people, through their 98127387214 researches and different names of research centers opened. Granted, some of these people are interesting to know, but having a 30M question on application of their areas of interests and thought process, urgh...
No amount of information is going into my head anymore, try as I might, my brain just refuses to absorb any further. But i know if i stop now, i'm going to think back after my exams tomorrow and regret not studying harder today. Not giving my mind that slightest chance of having that thought for the next semester while i'm away. back to studying...
p/s: special thanks to all those who've been there to listen to me complain about my exams, and giving me words of encouragement to push on during this trying period. really appreciate having you in my life! <3
will you look at that!
its already 6 days left to my last paper!
Just completed Astro paper on Monday, that was the one which is actually the easiest, 50 MCQ. But easy does not mean ability to score, because most would have found it easy if they had studied the past year papers and memorized the answers as well. Doesn't help that they doubled the cohort this year, making the margin for error EVEN slimmer than all semesters before.
Tomorrow's the killer papers- -COM207 early in the morning at 9am, and then Asian Horror in the evening 5PM, and I'm finally heading home for my first home-cooked meal in 3 weeks. I am so going to enjoy my holidays this time, even if i did not do well, at least i know i gave it my best shot! this is the max i can do for this semester!
Parents and val are leaving for New York next Friday, so excited for them, wish I were leaving for NY too! :( Supposed to head down to Universal Studios that week with cia, but some problems with the ticket screwed up the whole trip! USS is always giving me these problems! Bah. this is why Singapore will destroy the image and goodwill that its parent company has spent years building up. Or maybe because they don't give two hoots about locals, mind you we're the one who will be recommending if its good or not! If the service sucks, you think we're gonna ask our friends to head there? I think not.
Its one thing to be smaller already, compensate it with something else like quality customer service, or soon you'll be in the league of HK Disneyland.
20 hours and counting.
Just completed Astro paper on Monday, that was the one which is actually the easiest, 50 MCQ. But easy does not mean ability to score, because most would have found it easy if they had studied the past year papers and memorized the answers as well. Doesn't help that they doubled the cohort this year, making the margin for error EVEN slimmer than all semesters before.
Tomorrow's the killer papers- -COM207 early in the morning at 9am, and then Asian Horror in the evening 5PM, and I'm finally heading home for my first home-cooked meal in 3 weeks. I am so going to enjoy my holidays this time, even if i did not do well, at least i know i gave it my best shot! this is the max i can do for this semester!
Parents and val are leaving for New York next Friday, so excited for them, wish I were leaving for NY too! :( Supposed to head down to Universal Studios that week with cia, but some problems with the ticket screwed up the whole trip! USS is always giving me these problems! Bah. this is why Singapore will destroy the image and goodwill that its parent company has spent years building up. Or maybe because they don't give two hoots about locals, mind you we're the one who will be recommending if its good or not! If the service sucks, you think we're gonna ask our friends to head there? I think not.
Its one thing to be smaller already, compensate it with something else like quality customer service, or soon you'll be in the league of HK Disneyland.
20 hours and counting.
Friday, November 18, 2011
didn't get to the 5th day...damn
yup, i cracked. Didn't hear any alarm this morning, or i must have snoozed it unconsciously. Only woke up at 11am!! Funny, its not like I'm sleep-deprived, i ensure myself a minimal of 7 hours of sleep daily. Its a good thing I don't have any papers today, i'm bringing my hugeass alarm clock in next week! Phone alarm obviously has its flaws too.
But i had such a wonderful dream, about this mysterious shop tucked away under that weird brown christmas tree right outside Ion orchard. It was a Daiso shop, everything was going for $2, but nobody could find the location of this shop. And guess what they were selling, the biggest Tintin collection ever, books, figurines, everything going for $2!! A single figurine would usually cost $2-3k. A pity I bought everything only to realize it was a dream. BAH!! :(((
11 more days and counting.
But i had such a wonderful dream, about this mysterious shop tucked away under that weird brown christmas tree right outside Ion orchard. It was a Daiso shop, everything was going for $2, but nobody could find the location of this shop. And guess what they were selling, the biggest Tintin collection ever, books, figurines, everything going for $2!! A single figurine would usually cost $2-3k. A pity I bought everything only to realize it was a dream. BAH!! :(((
11 more days and counting.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The more routine, the less life
This is day 4 and I'm still surviving, well just goes to show how strong the human willpower can be. Besides, been there done that before, just a matter of getting used to, and oh look at it! less than 15 days till all this will be over! :D
My biggest distraction however, is not facebook, not youtube, but those tintin comics lying in a folder on my desktop. Every chance I get, any break I have, every mealtime is just an opportunity and excuse to read them. I shouldn't have watched the movie.. Then again, it sparked off that part of me which remembered why i entered wkw in the first place- to pursue journalism. Just because basic media writing scared me off the track of journalism, doesn't mean i should completely rule out that possibility. Well i shall attempt at it once more at least before I graduate!
Had the longest breakfast with the roomie this morning, A is such a joy to talk to! Its definitely a refreshing break from that horrid routine, and makes me miss having long talks with friends.. I guess that's one thing good that comes out from this exam period, allowing you to re-adjust and shift your priorities to understand what is truly important, and to truly relish in all that free time after this exam period!
First paper is in 4 days, then after that everything will fly by, as it always does once the first paper kicks in. Can't wait for exchange next semester, because bbyogi's gonna be flying over to visit once my sem ends! :DDDDDDDD
& we're gonna go visit Universal Studios Orlando!! :DDDDDDD Harry Potter world!!!! :DDDDDDD Magic Kingdom :DDDDDDDDDD oh happy times! don't think I've ever looked forward to something so much before! :DDDDDDDDDDDD
and now back to the history of communications.
One travels to run away from routine, that dreadful routine that kills all imagination and all our capacity for enthusiasm. - Ella Maillart
My biggest distraction however, is not facebook, not youtube, but those tintin comics lying in a folder on my desktop. Every chance I get, any break I have, every mealtime is just an opportunity and excuse to read them. I shouldn't have watched the movie.. Then again, it sparked off that part of me which remembered why i entered wkw in the first place- to pursue journalism. Just because basic media writing scared me off the track of journalism, doesn't mean i should completely rule out that possibility. Well i shall attempt at it once more at least before I graduate!
Had the longest breakfast with the roomie this morning, A is such a joy to talk to! Its definitely a refreshing break from that horrid routine, and makes me miss having long talks with friends.. I guess that's one thing good that comes out from this exam period, allowing you to re-adjust and shift your priorities to understand what is truly important, and to truly relish in all that free time after this exam period!
First paper is in 4 days, then after that everything will fly by, as it always does once the first paper kicks in. Can't wait for exchange next semester, because bbyogi's gonna be flying over to visit once my sem ends! :DDDDDDDD
& we're gonna go visit Universal Studios Orlando!! :DDDDDDD Harry Potter world!!!! :DDDDDDD Magic Kingdom :DDDDDDDDDD oh happy times! don't think I've ever looked forward to something so much before! :DDDDDDDDDDDD
and now back to the history of communications.
One travels to run away from routine, that dreadful routine that kills all imagination and all our capacity for enthusiasm. - Ella Maillart
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
COM207 blues...
after awhile, every single name sounds the name, everyone invented some theory, everyone has a PhD, everyone is Jew and got chased out of Europe during the war.
Its hard having to construct an entire history of communications from scratch and i'm not even halfway there, even after 2 days! :(
207 is really the bane of my life for this semester, and I honestly can't wait until the paper is over. I get the importance of studying it, at times it can seem quite interesting knowing who did what, or came up with what theory, but an exam on all these facts is just impossible.
Its hard having to construct an entire history of communications from scratch and i'm not even halfway there, even after 2 days! :(
207 is really the bane of my life for this semester, and I honestly can't wait until the paper is over. I get the importance of studying it, at times it can seem quite interesting knowing who did what, or came up with what theory, but an exam on all these facts is just impossible.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
don't stop, never give up.
thanks for the encouragement bby!
this will tide me thru the remaining 2 weeks and i can't wait to have fun with you from 29th Nov!
I am looking forward to Wicked, visiting xmas deco all around Singapore, trying out new places to eat, visiting Tintin exhibition, Universal Studios again, Christmas & New Year's!
thanks for always being there, now and always. :))
close of year 2 sem 1
How time flies. My Sydney trip marks my first summer holiday, the end of my first year in University, and the beginning of my second year. and WHAM! I'm in the midst of study week. This sem is really too impossibly fast to believe!
Plenty has happened since then, but the looming one is just days away: my final exams.
As usual, brings back memories to exactly one year ago, when I was studying for my very first exam in University. In the first semesters, cores are assigned, so there isn't really much of a choice. But after a year here, your options are now more open. I'm happy to say I am only down to one core for this year, which I will be clearing in two weeks time! so that leaves the rest of the modules open for options. What's most important I feel, is the interest in the module.
After a year of lost orientation in which tracks to choose, it doesn't boil down to which module allows you to score, but whether you've taken something you really have interest in. I have chosen to go into the broadcast track, although personally I feel its something I cannot score in, but its the satisfaction of completing the project that gives you this extraordinary feeling that I cannot achieve from seeing an A on my degree audit.
This is especially the case for my third and final project in COM225 module, which is the first project that I've been so dedicated and determined, not to mention involved in the entire process from pre to post production. Having the most awesome groupmates with just the right dynamics was definitely the key. A was a very good director to work with, his precision and perfection for the composition and framing truly did justice to our idea, not to mention his chirpy self that really brought about positive energy to all our shoots. C was detailed in every aspect, and was always pushing us on and encouraging us! K was the start of a new friendship, since she was on exchange, and if not for this project, I don't think I would ever have the opportunity to get to know her.
I remember back to that evening at the benches, when we all proposed our individual ideas, and just like that, our random ideas sparked off into a true beauty, an idea that got all of us so excited to work on! Even though our shoot dragged on for 3 sleepless nights, the adrenaline rush from being able to see the final product just tided me through. It is an amazing experience, something which I never thought I'll ever experience this semester .truly the most memorable production to work on thus far.
Apart from that, I have finally decided to minor in Psychology. Even though i scored a B for my psych module last semester, which is truly enough to put anyone off from taking any future psych modules, I have decided to press on. Perhaps it is just my fascination with the whole subject itself, but being an arts student, with the mathematics and biology, we just don't see eye to eye, thus I know I will not be able to score in this. Nevertheless, it is something I would have gone into had I not gotten a place in WKW, so this is the only chance that I will ever have to study something of interest, and imma grab good hold of it!
The last thought that I have before this semester ends, is my final decision to take up a language module. Initially for my very first semester, my GPA shocked everyone and myself even, but last semester it took a really steep dip, and I am out of the playing field for high GPA score, so my priorities have switched to taking what I have interest in, and I had shunned the idea of language, because I know it is not my thing. Been there, tried that before, it just didn't work with me. But at least taking a module in school means I don't have to pay $99 to learn it at some community centre, and probably with the pressure of it being a school curriculum, i might even learn it better! So thanks to advice from K, I AM GOING TO TAKE LEVEL 1 SPANISH!
hola español!
Next sem also marks the temporary goodbye from NTU, and into the section of my uni life which I have been looking forward to the most- EXCHANGE!!!
Flying off to Houston on the 6th Jan 2012, and starting school at Texas Christian University on 15th Jan 2012! I hope the food's good, people are nice, lessons are fun and traveling experiences are aplenty, and I really really do hope i do not overspend before I return in June.
The countdown to finals are exactly 6 days away, and my last paper is on the 29th! I hope time flies by, and before I know it, I will be busy planning for my exchange trips, getting Christmas presents, and accomplishing my after-exams to-do list which I have been keeping track of since a month ago before I leave SG!
Plenty has happened since then, but the looming one is just days away: my final exams.
As usual, brings back memories to exactly one year ago, when I was studying for my very first exam in University. In the first semesters, cores are assigned, so there isn't really much of a choice. But after a year here, your options are now more open. I'm happy to say I am only down to one core for this year, which I will be clearing in two weeks time! so that leaves the rest of the modules open for options. What's most important I feel, is the interest in the module.
After a year of lost orientation in which tracks to choose, it doesn't boil down to which module allows you to score, but whether you've taken something you really have interest in. I have chosen to go into the broadcast track, although personally I feel its something I cannot score in, but its the satisfaction of completing the project that gives you this extraordinary feeling that I cannot achieve from seeing an A on my degree audit.
This is especially the case for my third and final project in COM225 module, which is the first project that I've been so dedicated and determined, not to mention involved in the entire process from pre to post production. Having the most awesome groupmates with just the right dynamics was definitely the key. A was a very good director to work with, his precision and perfection for the composition and framing truly did justice to our idea, not to mention his chirpy self that really brought about positive energy to all our shoots. C was detailed in every aspect, and was always pushing us on and encouraging us! K was the start of a new friendship, since she was on exchange, and if not for this project, I don't think I would ever have the opportunity to get to know her.
I remember back to that evening at the benches, when we all proposed our individual ideas, and just like that, our random ideas sparked off into a true beauty, an idea that got all of us so excited to work on! Even though our shoot dragged on for 3 sleepless nights, the adrenaline rush from being able to see the final product just tided me through. It is an amazing experience, something which I never thought I'll ever experience this semester .truly the most memorable production to work on thus far.
Apart from that, I have finally decided to minor in Psychology. Even though i scored a B for my psych module last semester, which is truly enough to put anyone off from taking any future psych modules, I have decided to press on. Perhaps it is just my fascination with the whole subject itself, but being an arts student, with the mathematics and biology, we just don't see eye to eye, thus I know I will not be able to score in this. Nevertheless, it is something I would have gone into had I not gotten a place in WKW, so this is the only chance that I will ever have to study something of interest, and imma grab good hold of it!
The last thought that I have before this semester ends, is my final decision to take up a language module. Initially for my very first semester, my GPA shocked everyone and myself even, but last semester it took a really steep dip, and I am out of the playing field for high GPA score, so my priorities have switched to taking what I have interest in, and I had shunned the idea of language, because I know it is not my thing. Been there, tried that before, it just didn't work with me. But at least taking a module in school means I don't have to pay $99 to learn it at some community centre, and probably with the pressure of it being a school curriculum, i might even learn it better! So thanks to advice from K, I AM GOING TO TAKE LEVEL 1 SPANISH!
hola español!
Next sem also marks the temporary goodbye from NTU, and into the section of my uni life which I have been looking forward to the most- EXCHANGE!!!
Flying off to Houston on the 6th Jan 2012, and starting school at Texas Christian University on 15th Jan 2012! I hope the food's good, people are nice, lessons are fun and traveling experiences are aplenty, and I really really do hope i do not overspend before I return in June.
The countdown to finals are exactly 6 days away, and my last paper is on the 29th! I hope time flies by, and before I know it, I will be busy planning for my exchange trips, getting Christmas presents, and accomplishing my after-exams to-do list which I have been keeping track of since a month ago before I leave SG!
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