ANYWAYS, see the wall behind us.
it is sooo significant to mii kays.
its de first thing i saw when i entered yckss as an innocent 12-year-old in sec one!
hahahs. i was sooo excited to be in a mixed sch lahh`
LOLS! yx was still asking me 'ehh i din noe u like this wall so much'
wuahahas. i lurve YCKSS!
this bonfire thinggy which they take out every year for speech dayy.
add to the atmosphere!
i wouldn't mind owning one, they're cool mann!
YL: my burfdayy so far away. so i make wish now first!!!
always let us back in sch hor?
ahhas friendly also. whenever u siann or waiting for ur parents to come and fetch u from sch.
cann go talk to him at the security post there!
after that, had to leave yckss to go to amk hub.
this is like the last official time i can come back yckss.
kinda sadd. yckss really holds alort of memories for mii.
i shall go back soon, as an alumni!
me, yx and yl askked if we could be,
andd mrs john would be sending us the forms soon! WAY COOL!
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