i've finally returned to blogging once more!
i promised myself i would start blogging again after my blocks,
but things just got too busyy~
(okayokay i shall find a better excuse for my laziness)
but back then, i really lost the blogging mood for awhile.
so this entry may be a tad dry,
but hey! better than nothing. =D
today's been sucha foodie day!!
i finally fufilled my promise to my sis to bring her to din tai feng cos i swear they have the absolute BESTEST BEST xiao long bao over there!

*ahh~* cann you hear the heavenly chorus!
me, dear and my sis headed to wisma's outlet straight after church,
but little did we expect to find a whole CROWD there waiting to be seated.
so, we headed to the nearest outlet at paragon, hoping that the queue would be significantly shorter.
little luck on that, we still ended up being told that we had to wait half an hour for our table,
so we strolled around paragon abit.
discovered some pretty cool eateries there,
one which i am MOST definitely going back to, SPAGEDDIES!
i finally found my ravioli! BWAHAHAHS!
i cann hear it calling out to me~
we also walked around paragon market place.
seriously, every single supermarket should look up to that place as its role model!
i would love supermarts SO much more if they were all like that.
only had time to wander about abit.
discovered the most ex strawberries that i've ever laid my eyes on.
directly imported from fukuoka,
a dozen of strawberries which costs.. s$33.
damn, since when did strawberries cost a bomb to enjoy!
but they looked REALLLY REALLY good. =DD
by the time we got back to din tai feng,
we had already overshot our queue number.
so we had to wait a little while more,
before we finally got our table!
xiao long baos, here we come!! =DD
also ordered dan chao fan, stewed beef soup, and some yam-filled xiao long baos!

lunch was really yummy,
and we spent hours slackingg there,
mostly talking about ghost stories! wahahahas.
interesting topic to talk about,
but some parts got quite spooky.
finally left the place when we needed the toilet badly.
it was already 4+,
andd dinner was at ikea tonight!
the food at ikea was good.
super unhapy with the dessert!
after reading about it in the newspapers,
selma, the name of the recently-launched swedish dessert did not fail to catch my attention!
appparently, some king of sweden died after over-indulging 14 of these selmas at all one go after a grand dinner.
so i thought, hey, its gotta be pretty good for a king to actually want to eat 14 of these sweeties.
i was so excited to sink my teeth into one of these babies.
but, not only was it a total waste of my $3.50,
i would have rather tried other things instead!
it totally sucked!
i dunno was it the whipped cream or the almond paste in the middle that turned me off COMPLETELY!
it was utterly disgusting,
and definitely a spoiler to my yummy poached salmon dinner! :(
in the end, i only ate the bread thingy,
and used the fork to scrape off all the whipped cream and almond paste.
(unless of course you're a big fan of almond)
my second horrid encounter with almond two days in a row!
yesterday was at siti's party where i accidentally ate an almond jelly after mistaking it for a lychee one!
not that the jelly wasn't nice, its just that its almond!
andd i will never forget the time my stupid almond jelly refused to harden during my home economics practical, causing me to get a lower grade!
it can't have been my cooking skills! jellies are like the easiest!
its the almond jelly's fault, it wouldn't be the same if i were making mango jelly instead.
me and almond jelly just don't see eye to eye, that's all.
geez, its so very boring thinking that in a few hours time,
i'd have to drag myself outta bed and get ready for school!
last week of school before the march holidays.
i'm kinda thankful that blocks are over.
i would so hate the school if we have to use that one week to study for our block test..
i need my R&R time.
shall be more optimistic about school!
besides, its only 5 days.
i've been doing it for 10 over years,
i can definitely last 5 days in school~
anyways, 7 march 2009 was a very special day.
its been 6 months since we're together and until this point in time,
i still think i'm the luckiest girl in the world to meet someone like you!
baby, thanks for overlooking all my stupidness and immature thinking,
and still being able to love me for who i am.
that's what makes me love you the most, andd my love for you will never change,
not in million years! i promise. =D
i love you~
[[ hold you through forever, won't let you go~ ]]
finally see a new entry.
i rmb the almond jelly thingy!
wahahhas yeahhs! i'll try to blog more ehs?
OH YEAH! damn gross!! =X
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