Friday, September 17, 2010


Straight after lunch today, took me a whole 1 hour 15 mins to get back from hall 15 to home,
all this rush just so that i can have enough time to get ready for wkw D&D tonight.
guess i'm not fated to be there man, only upon reaching my doorstep did i realise that i had left my keys in my hall!!!!
and i have to wait patiently till my mom gets home at 5.30, which leaves me.. oh yeah, NO TIME TO PREPARE AT ALL!
i have to shower, change, make-up, dry my hair, take a cab down, i foresee the earliest time that i'll be arriving will be around 8pm, IF I REALLY RUSH.
how unlucky...can't believe my luck...seriously.

And yes, its times like this when i'm stuck outside my own doorstep- talk about being so close yet so far- that i can find the time to blog.
yeah, i might be stuck with a whole stack of notes for my weekend reading, but i'm in no mood at all to do anything but blog.
its been a long time since i've been in this situation, locked outside my own house cos i forgot my own keys, but i do not miss it one bit, especially not when i'm rushing for something.
ah, oh well, i can only console myself that i will only have missed dinner and one performance by the time i arrive there, not to mention blowing off another $20 for my cab fare. argh..

its been the longest since i've blogged, and ever since school's started, its been one heck of a mess! Readings upon readings to read, com205 tutorials to worry about, the many activities that i'm involved in.. its really one BIG headache.
and because NTU is so far away, most of the week i feel as if i'm not even in Singapore anymore, its like doing an exchange somewhere far away, and the weekly going-home part does really make me miss home even more!
At least i now know how to treasure my weekends well, except for the homework part.

Apart from that, what's new is that i'm in a rather interesting CCA known as the Deli Aprecio Club! sounds so sophisticated isn't it? well, its basically just a food club, and i ran for one of the main comm. positions. We had to give a one-minute speech yesterday, which i was so nervous about.

sidenote: That's why i'm so stressed about my com205 tutorial every Monday morning!(double whammy!)
com205 is this core module known as Public Speaking and Argumentation. Public speaking is something i really try to avoid AT ALL COSTS! :(( class participation is really difficult as well. boo.

So you can imagine how worried and frantic i was when i knew i had to give this one minute speech, but i took the time to actually draft out a speech, and practice. I had memorised it so well, I could read it without even pausing.
But, ever so typically, whenever I stand in front of an audience, the entire speech which I had so painstakenly burnt into my memory simply gets wiped out by this mysterious force, which i do suspect, is known as stage fright.

I ended up reading from the piece of paper i had scribbled on, and I couldn't even manage looking at the crowd. I was staring straight at an empty chair, but I could already feel the blood rushing up to my face, and that funny feeling you get in your tummy.
What am i gonna do about this whole speech thing? Anyone's got a cure, pray do tell me! I'd really really appreciate it! sincerely!

Ah, 5.11pm now. Whenever i want time to slow down, it speeds up. When i want time to speed up, it slows down! >:(
the tension is killing me! More than anything right now, i wish i had the magical power to walk through solid things! that way, i can walk through my own door, and everything would be fine.

just received a call from Mr. J that he's cabbing right down now.
although he doesn't have a spare key to my home, his company could provide me some comfort at least. sweetness! <3

[[ What's the point of going to a ball when you know your Romeo's not gonna be there ? ]]