[x] You don't like public speaking.
[ ] You find it hard to talk tostrangers.
[ ] You don't like to look people inthe eye.
[ ] Being introduced to new peoplemakes you nervous.
[ ] You hate to go shopping alone.
[ ] When you're in a group of people,it's difficult to think of what to say
[ ] You have a lot of trouble talkingto the opposite sex
[x] You hate to be teased
[ ] You hate answering the door
[ ] You don't like to ask people forhelp.
[ ] You can't stand people watchingyou.
[ ] One on one conversations make younervous.
[ ] You hate to read out loud.
[ ] You don't like answering questions.
[ ] You dread ordering food at restaurants.
[x] You are uncomfortableat parties,unless you know everyonewell.
[ ] You don't like to talk, becauseyou're afraid of being embarrassed bywhat you say.
[ ] You wish you were more outgoing.
[x] You hate being in the center ofany room
[x] You don't know how to react tocompliments.(s ometimes
[ ] You prefer reading,writing, orlistening to music than being aroundtoo many people.
[ ] You blush easily.
[x] You don't like singing in front ofa lot of people.
grand total: 6
oh i'm 16% shy.
[ ]You like to see blood
[x] You participate in contact sports
[x] You like to watch a fight(if the fighting is gd)
[x] You've been in a fight
[ ] Cat fights turns you on or you like watching cat fights
[x] You watch wrestling
[x] You carry an object that can beused as a weapon around
[ ] You slap someone when they insultyou
[x] You hit/pinch the guy/girl youlike jokingly
[x] You like action movies
[x] You are thinking of hittingsomeone while doing this survey
[ ] You train your knuckles byhittingsom ething
[ ] You read novels about war
[ ] 2 or more of your friends thinkyou're scary
[ ] You love threatening to hurtothers
[ ] You believe love and peace isbullshit
[ ] You like Weapons of Mass destruction
[ ] You believe in hitting someoneeven after he's down
[x] You don't mind hitting a girl
[ ] You want to torture the personyouhat e
T otal: 9
i'm 54% violent!
lols. jus slightly over the half-way mark.
not too violent.
oh this is a good one!
[x]Gotten detention.
[x]Got ten your phone taken away
[ ]Gotten suspended.
[x]Gotten caught chewing gum.
Total: 3
[x] been late to a class more than 10times.
[x] Didn't do homework over 5 times.
[x] turned at least 3 projects in late.
[x] Missed school cause you felt likeit.
[ ] Laughed so hard you got kicked out of class.
Total: 4
[x] Got your mom/dad etc. to get youout of school.
[x] Text people during class.
[x] Passed notes
[x] Threw stuff across the room
[x] Laughed at the teacher
Total: 5
[ ] Pulled down the fire alarm.
[x]Went on myspace, friendster, xanga,etc. on the computer at school.
[x] Took pictures during school hours.
[x] Called someone during school hours.
[x] Listened to an ipod/cd player/mp3during class.
Total: 4
[ ] Threw something at theteacher.
[ x] Went outside the classroom withoutpermission.
[x] Broke the dress code.
[x] Failed a class test.
[x] Ate food during class.
Total: 4
[ ] Gotten a call home
[ ] Couldn't go on a field trip causeyou behaved badly
[x] Didn't take your stuff to school
[x] Gotten a detention and didn't go
[ ] Stuck your middle finger at ateacher when they were not looking
[x] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear lt(accident!)
Total: 3
[x] slept in class
[x] cursed at a teacher behind thereback
[x] Copied homework
[x] Felt hungry during class and left to eat
Total: 4
total: 27
omg. i screwed up 71% of my sec school life.
hahahs nahhs. this one not screwed up.
how is eating during class screwing up my sec sch life?
it simply means u need more energy which comes from the food
to pay more attention to what the teacher is saying.
What's in your wallet?
` cards, pictures of jiro, neoprints, loads of receipts, pocket menus, guitar pick, NO CASH.
What 's under your bed?
` clothes
What's on that way top shelf?
` which one?
What 's on your bed?
`pillows, blankets, loads of soft toys, book.
Do you have a best friend?
` i have best friends.
What's in your desk locker?
` valuable stuff.
Do you feel guilty about somethingright now, if yes what?
` guilty? nope.
What is your last thought before you fall asleep?
` not even thinking of anything.
If I confiscated your computer and took a look around...what would I find?
`me staring back at you angrily.
Do you sleep with anything?
` yepp.
Has one of your friends ever stolen a girlfriend/boyfriend from you?
Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
` dunnoes.
Has anyone ever cheated on you?
` dun think so
H ave you ever skipped class?
` of cos.
Do u ever wish u were a different gender?
` sumtimes.
Do you ever lie about your age?
` people never believe i'm 17
Have you told the truth in this survey?
` yepp =D
Where were you at 3:18pm yesterday?
How did you get the idea for your name?
` i tot my parents gave me my name?
What song are you listening toright now?
` feilunhai song.
What color is your phone?
` pink
What was the first thing you thought this morning?
` no money for lunch....
What did you do last night?
` sleep
What' s your favorite memory from this weekend?
` alot man! this week so many things happen.
What are the last two digits ofyour phone number?
` 44
What was the last thing that youhad eaten?
` dinner.
Who is the last guy that you hugged?
` dunno.
What was the last movie youwatched?
` game plan.
What do you dislike at the moment?
` dislike being broke!
What food are you craving?
`pasta.... PASTA!!
What did you dream last night?
` i dreamt i was at yue xiu's wedding!!! =D
What was the last TV show you watched?
` joe dirt
What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
` i got loadsa favs.
Name 2 ppl on your Top Friends?
` dunoes.
Do you always lock your door?
Are you on any medication?
What side of the bed do you sleepon?
`bed too small to choose side.
What color shirt are you wearing?
What is your current favorite drink?
How many Piercings/tattoos do youhave?
` two
What's your current favorite store?
` punk star
Who's someone you haven't seen in awhile and miss?
What was the last text you sent?
`can't rmb.
Do you care what people think about you?
` not really.
Have you ever done something to maketrouble?
`lols. yupp.
Where do you wish you were right now?
`wish i were in other countries on holiday.
What is your font color right now?
` pink
Where do you live?
` yio chu kang
What smell do you like right now?
` hotel lobbies. I WAN GO ON HOLIDAYY..
Wo uld you ever sky dive?
` im terrified of heights!
What color is your pillow case?
i have no idea what to do today.
actually i have laods of stuff waiting for me to be done.
like return my library books and dvds which are nearly overdue for a week.
packing my table,
my room.
redecorating my wall.
i'm jus darn lazyy..
i miss my guitar.
the string broke and now i can't play anything.
andd i haven't been going for guitar >.<
always got something on saturday.
either that or i oversleep until very late.
i shall not be lazyyy.
i shall force myself out of my room,
denn go get all those things done.
or i could slack today and leave it till tmr.
ahahahah nahhs. tht's what i said ytd.
bored.. i wanna go watch movie.
but i'm broke.
i'm broke until cannot broke le..
my wallet has ZERO cash at the moment.
so i can't go out as well!
siann man..
cann this month faster end?
i got alot of things i need to buy also.
1st dec is a very important day.
xiao zhuuu ar..
nonono. i shall go to orchard tht day,
denn maybe he go there den i can get to see him!
its just stupid staying at home and complaining that i'm bored.
i should just go out.
but i can't go out!
this is pathetic.. =(
[[ show me the moneyyy ]]
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