Friday, August 29, 2008


this is one holiday i won't enjoy!
i know it mann.
because promos are in 20+ days...
so what if there's one week off school?
jus means self-study anyways.
its not like i'll get to enjoy myself.
okay i take that back,
maybe i will..
cos i get to sleep in xDD

today is teacher's day!
went to school bright and early to do mr lee's present.
i didn't really do much though,
i only sat there and watched them do.
got splatted by white paint as well.
those paint markers, which happened to leak.
ended up with a white streak jus below my eye for the entire day!
i've got about 7 people telling me "ohh there's something below your eye."
and i've repeated the leaking marker story about that many times as well.

went out to eat prata with 0720s,
i miss the prata sessions man!!
so shuang to be able to eat prata againn okay!
shioks shioks.
they had to rush back to school for a mock math paper after that.
super sadded. but even more sad case for teachers! :(
lols! rushed backk to yckss stadium to try andd meet up with sec school teachers.
made it jus in time.
they were not dismissed yet when we arrived.
saw alot of ex-yckss-sians also.

met up with mrs lee first.
she's still as sweeet as i remembered!
now with her first kid! (valentine's day baby summore)
after that we went over to say hie to ms ching aka mrs yap.
MR & MRS yap are like the cutest couple ever okayy!
hahahaha. she's really nice.
although she never taught me before she still talked to me like i was her ex student.
i thinkk she missed yx the most.
see her only hugg alr! LOLS!
andd she's my sister's form teacher now.
lols. good good. so she got anything to complain about my sis she noes where to find me.

just when i was about to leave, my sis rushed over and MADE me try some of her home-made brownies.
she spent last night at her friend's house baking.
what can i say?
it was GOOD! yummy man.
now i got two sisters who noes how to bake.
one cann do brownies, the other bakes the best chocolate chip cookies.
she summore knows what i like exactly and adds a whole lot more chocolate chips than those normal cookie stores which STINGE crazily on the chocolate.
although i dunno how to bake, i am the best guinea pigg they can ever find!
unless of course it taste terrible, den i wun eat it,
if not they can always count on me to finish everything up! xDD

after we finished with our teacher-visiting thingy,
was about to leave yck stadium when we saw..
hahahs. so me and yx started *EHERMINGS* damn loudly.
LOLS! yanlan, happy anots? wuahahhas!
next year we go back again lahs.
walked all the way to yck mrt,
with mr & mrs yap in front of us.
hahahas. they like they mommy and daddy denn we like the small kids following behind them.

went to novena to eat lunch at the food court,
which sells very good food as proclaimed by yx!
okayys la, if i weren't so bloated i would have eaten too.
missed hanging out with you two!
oh yeahh, yl's classmates ah..
the guys really damn power.
the way they make the birthday boy is...COOL MAN.
hahahaha. dunno how they can come up with stuff like tht.
the poor guy got stripped and tied to the volleyball post!
but i must say,he's a pretty good sport to let his frens do that to him! wuahahahas.

omgs i'm having crazy thoughts of going on an impromptu holiday again.
it only happens when i'm stressed out.
must be all that thoughts about promos and all that...
grr...really hate the schooling system in sg.
wanna drive us normal people insane.
i wanna go Hogwarts instead!
bet i'll ace all the exams there okay~
how hard cann it be to learn magic?
BOREDED..... tatas`

[[ hell yeahh, i'm the one and only princess. ]]

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