Sunday, October 12, 2008

CAMERON Is grateful!~

post bdayy entryy but
to everybodyy who made my 18th birthdayy sucha special one.
it would be discrediting you guys if i made sucha short entry,
but bear with it while i upload all the pics onto my com
so that i cann make a good entry to sincerely thank each and every one of u!
for all the birthday wishes and taking the time to celebrate my birthday with me,
i really am very very touched =DD
andd blessed to have each one of you exist in my life!
i'm one lucky girl, aren't I? xDD

18 more days to a levels
andd less than that to o levels.
i know the stress is there but hang it there peeps!
you guys have made it so far,
just hold it a little longer and it'll all be over even before you know it!
although im unable to go through this with you all,
(i will have to go through it still, next year)
i'm still here if you have any troubles.
although depend more on tchers or other frens if its studies-related,
as you all know, i'm not very good in that area.
but for all other aspects,
i'm always free to lend a listening ear or whatsoever!
you guys cann do it.
jus like how we did it for PSLE,
or even o levels.
this is the same old thing all over again!!
God bless all of you,
andd everything will turn out fine! xDD
more de next time~

[[ aim for the sun, so at least if you fall, you land on the clouds.wait a minute, SUN? err...somthing lidat.. hahas ]]

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